Stay Strong killjoy (Band bloods)

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    (Eb's P.O.V)
       I woke up on my bed. I stretched out and walked downstairs.
       "Another day, another song.", I mumble to myself. I made some breakfast and started eating. My sisters, Vanellope and Kailey weren't today due to a sleepover at twi's house. It was just me and jack. I munched on my eggs as I watched the rain pour down.
        "Man, I didn't realize today would be so boring.", I thought.
          I started to hum to 'Welcome To The Black Parade' by my chemical romance.
         As I continued eating, I start to have a strange feeling about today.
        "What is today?", I wondered.
         I went on my phone and checked my calendar.
'Wednesday, March 22, 2017', It said.
        "Why does that date sound familiar?", I ask.
         I shrugged it off and finished my meal. I washed my plate and walked up to my room. Right when I was about to touch the doorknob, I heard sobbing coming from the other side of the door. Cautious, I knocked on the door.
         "Go away, Eb.", He said
         I was confused. Why was my brother crying? Did something happen? Did he get cyber bullied again? Or is it something else? I opened the door to see my older brother jack, his legs were close to him as if he was keeping warmth and his spiky white hair was resting on his knees.
         "Jack, what's wrong?", I sat down next to him.
          Jack didn't responded. Instead, he pulled out his phone and showed me a text that I knew too well. It was the text that announced mcr's break up.
         "I don't get it. Why would you be sad about this?", I asked.
         Jack pointed the date of when the text was uploaded.
         'Tuesday, March 22, 2013', It said.
         That's why today was important. Today is the anniversary of their break up.
           "Jack, I didn't realize . . . ", I hugged jack, hoping to give him some comfort.
           "Eb. . . ", He engaged in my hug and cried on my shoulder. I gently pushed him away to see his face. It was covered of tears and his eyes were red.
          "Wanna visit their grave, today?", I asked and wiped a tear away. Jack nodded.
          "I'll go get dressed. You do the same, okay?"
          "Alright. . . . . "
          I grabbed a special uniform from my closet and went to the restroom to change. I put on my black marching band outfit.
"Jack, where's the make-."
I stood there to see jack in his black marching band outfit and skeleton make up on. It was like Gerard's. My marching band outfit was like Mikey's but without the medal.
"It's in the cabinet."
I walked to the bathroom cabinet and found the black and white make up.
"So are you going to bring anything?", I asked while I put on the black background of my make up on my face.
" . . . . . "
"No? That's okay."
After I applied the makeup, I started the car. Jack sat at the passengers seat, not speaking a word.
When we visited the grave, Jack wrote on sharpie 'We are the kids from yesterday' on the tombstone.
          "Why did this happen to me?"
          "I'm not sure, to be honest."
          "All I know is that mcr will always play in our hearts. No matter what our emotion is, it'll always be with us."
          "Thanks, eb"
          "No prob, Jack."
                                      (-The End-)

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