Chapter One

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                        - Regina's POV -
Yet again another danger had made its way to Storybrooke and we were having to work together to save the town. This time it was the Ice queen or Ice bitch more like. She'd frozen most of the town and the power had gone so we were on duty to fix it.

Emma, David and Snow had gone to try and find her, while me and Hook were sent to try and find the power house down in the mines to turn the power back on.

Normally I would argue as I hated being stuck with Captain Guyliner but seeing as Robin had just died I was in a fragile state and not in the mood to have conflict or argue with anyone.

We walked through the mines with our torches and for once it was nice and quiet.

"So your majesty, are you alright?" Hook said.

I subtly groaned realising this meant he wouldn't shut up and the peace and quiet was over, before answering

"Yes, Hook I'm fine why'd you ask?" I snapped

"Well because you know the whole thing with Robin love" he replied

"I said I'm fine" I snapped once more before walking ahead leaving Hook behind me.

If there was one person I argued with more than Emma it would be Hook, for ages now we constantly are in argument or conflicting about something.

I have so many nicknames for him now like: Captain Guyliner, Moron, Idiot, Captain Darkone, Pirate, Handless wonder etc. and overall I do not get along with him.

We continue through the mines and Hook catches up to me and pulls my arm so we stop standing opposite one another.

"I'm-Uh sorry for bringing up Robin I know it must be hard" he said trying to be comforting but all it did was annoy me more

"Yes okay, we've established this now may we please continue to find the power?" I ask

"Okay" he replied

"Thank you" I said smugly before turning to walk ahead and rolling my eyes.

We eventually got to the end of the mine where the power house was and Hook rushed in front and handed me his torch, before going forward and trying to pry open the metal door with one hand.

I rolled my eyes once more before stepping forward

"Let me Guyliner" and I flicked my hand and used my magic to open the door.

Before passing Hook his torch back. We flicked the switch and the engine rumbled before eventually the power turned back on, and we turned round and started to walk back.

- Killian's POV -
I knew that Regina didn't like me, and I was used to the constant insults and conflict from her but I never understood why. Yes, we didn't get along but I've always tried to and she just won't allow it.

I tried to ask her about how she was feeling but she just shut me out, it's like she doesn't even want to try and be friends or at least civil. Since me and Emma had our little thing, Regina seemed to stay away from me and not start anything but as soon as we broke it off she was at me again.

Maybe it was to spare Emma's feelings as Emma is her friend, but I don't know, either way I just wish we could try.

After we made it out of the mine and back to the others, we found out that they had tracked down the Ice Queen and where she was hiding.

"So where is she?" I asked

"She's hiding out in the forest in an abandoned ice cream truck" Emma said and Regina huffed crossing her arms

"So I guess storming an evil ice cream truck is on my list of things to do now" she said

"That could be fun" I replied laughing.

"Well, seeing you're so enthusiastic to do this Regina, you can go with Hook to search the truck while me, Snow and Emma go look round Main Street" David said before him and the others walked off leaving me and Regina in the forest.

I stood there for a moment in front of Regina, for some reason I was really enjoying spending this time alone with her.

It was like I was beginning to feel some kind of connection with her. Regina then finally snapped

"Well shall we get on with this then?" and she stormed off towards the middle of the forest where the truck was, I sighed realising how stupid I was to think I was feeling something when all she does is moan at me or insult me and I hurried after her.

                         - Regina's POV -
We got to the truck, it had been crashed into a tree trunk and was titled upwards the entrance up against the tree.

I had heels on and a skirt so I wasn't exactly dressed for any climbing, not that I had expected to have to be doing any. I groaned before leaning against the tree and taking my heels off, Hook finally caught up and chuckled

"Not very well dressed for the occasion are you, your majesty?" he joked

"Do you insist on calling me that?" I snapped

"Sorry, Uh Regina I didn't realize only you were allowed to use nicknames" he replied.

I grabbed my heels off the ground and proceeded to climb up the truck, I pulled myself up by the door and climbed up, throwing my heels into the truck.

"Need some help Regina?" Hook shouted from outside, I groaned before turning round

"I'm fine" and I continued to pull myself but then I lost my footing on the side while climbing and slipped.

Suddenly I felt a firm pair of hands grab my waist from behind stopping me from slipping back down to the ground, I gasped and turned

"Uh-a I said I was fine, now put me down" I snapped, but Hook just stared at me, still holding me by my waist he didn't move.

"You know a simple thankyou wouldn't hurt" he said still holding me.

"Hook? I said put me down" I snapped once more, and he slowly dropped me down to the floor, I straightened out my skirt and turned to go back up again but Hook stopped me.

"Uh- maybe I should go first? And then help you up" Hook said

and I rolled my eyes "Fine".

He clambered up the truck and sat on the edge of the door frame at the top before holding his hand down towards me, signaling to pull me up.

I stepped forward and raised my hand up, clasping it in his before he began to pull me up. In a short moment he had pulled me to the top and right against him, practically sitting on his lap, he huffed.

I turned round and gazed as he was staring right at me, our faces were inches apart and I didnt understand what was happening it was like all of a sudden Hook had changed and he'd been acting so strange all day towards me, I had no idea why.

We stared for a while longer before Hook eventually spoke

"Oh-Uh sorry Regina I didn't mean to pull you so close I Uh-" but I cut him off

"It-it's fine I Uh-" I stuttered before looking around, I went to climb down inside the truck and Hook followed behind.

We got down inside and as I went to walk further in I felt a hand grab my arm and tug me back, it was forceful and I twirled round before flying into Hook

"Hook I- what are you doin-". Hook still a hold of my arm said



My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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