Chapter 1: Intruder

Start from the beginning

"Oh, well I'm going to bed." He said kissing me on the forehead. "You should focus on getting a job. Paula said she needs more helpers in the salon."

"Oh sweeping hair seems like a fantastic job!" I said sarcastically.

"Either sweeping hair, or no job."

"I don't know, that no job is sort of tempting. I could live here, and mooch off of you?"

"You do that already." He said as he walked away to his bedroom.

I pulled my blanket my mother knitted for me, from behind the couch. I pulled it over me, until my body was completely wrapped in the warmth and softness. I flipped through the channels on the tv, uninterested, I turned the TV off. I closed my eyes, relaxing my muscles, desperately seeking sleep. I ruffled my bangs back, and turned onto my side, as I entered a deep sleep.


The light from the window woke me up. I squinted hoping the brightness would dim. The house was empty, and dead silent. Dad must be at work, something he wants me to go look for. No way was I going to let Paula, tell me to sweep hair. I let out a groan, as the sound echoed the empty house. I hesitated, as I sat up from the couch, stretching my arms out. I yawned in protest. Something followed my yawn though. Something inhuman, demonic rung through the halls. A scream.

My immediate reaction was to go investigate. Was dad in trouble? Who let out the scream? I stood up tripping over the blanket. But quickly maintaining my balance, I ran down the hall. "Dad?" I turned into the bathroom. "Dad?" I yelled as I ran to the kitchen. He was no where to be found.

"Dad?" I called as I hurried to his bedroom. I scanned the room, until I seen dad clutching his stomach in pain. "Dad, are you okay? What happened?" I asked rushing over to him. "There's some one in the house. Some attacked me. It bit me."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"You need to leave."

"Not without you, I can't leave you here. I'm calling nine one one."

I rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the phone from the hook. I quickly pressed 9-1-1, as it rung. I waited desperately as no one answered. I grew impatient, as the line went dead. Dammit. I murmured under my breath. I need help.

I rushed back to dad's room. "Dad no one answ-"

"Dad?" I called.

Where did he go? I looked down at the trail of blood. "Dad? Where are you?"

"I'm here, in the bathroom, you need to leave, and get help."

"Dad." I said in protest.

"Go now. I locked myself in the bathroom. I don't know what virus is going around, but I don't want to harm you."

"Dad, you''re not going to harm me, you would never do that."

"Go, I'm not taking risk. It's getting harder, and harder to control myself."

"Dad, what are you talk-"

I started to cry, as I felt pressured. "Not with out you." I jumped as a loud bang sounded from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was kicking the door. "Dad?"

"Go, please. When this door comes down, he will kill you, and I'm scared I will harm you too." I heard the weakness in his voice. "Who is he?"

"The one who attacked me. He came back, I forced him into the bathroom with me, so I can lock the door. He doesn't want me, he wants you."

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