"Baby girl I understand. I'm not trying to compare you to me at all but my dad said fuck me when I was growing up. He didn't care about me. Yeah the shit hurt but you have to realize that's only a mind thing. You have to break that cycle. The only person that can make and break you is YOU. You're damn beautiful and it's time you see it."

"I try," I say. "I really do. Do you think I want to feel this way? Question everyone's motives, everyone's glances and thoughts directed towards me. Always second guessing what I should or shouldn't do. What I should or shouldn't say/wear. This feeling is not a pleasant one. If I could just turn it off, I would."

"And you can. Your mind is weak. You need to strengthen your mindset so you can heal your soul. You're a queen, a beast, a model of perfection. Don't let anyone, anyone take that from you. You understand me." I nodded. April really does care for me. I should try to listen to her more often. "But I know I can yell at you all day every day and it wouldn't make a difference." They brought out our food. "That's why I want you to see one of the counselors at our school."

"What?!" I squeaked. I quickly calmed myself when I saw people looking. "Sorry," I gave them a small smile before returning my gaze to her. "Why do I need to do that? I'm not crazy you know."

"You don't have to be crazy to see a counselor. I see one sometimes."

"April," I said seriously. "You're the definition of crazy."

"Fuck you," she rolled her eyes playfully. "But seriously, you should at least think about it. Speaking to a complete stranger can be a lot more beneficial than talking to your friends. I realize that now when I was speaking to the counselor the other day. Her name is Dr. Jacobson. You should really go by and see her. She's cool peoples."

"I don't know April," I mumbled. "She's not going to judge me?"

"No. And best of all, she can't tell anybody about what you told her. Trust me on this. You'll feel so much better after speaking with her."

I hesitated a bit. I mean, the thought has crossed my mind many times in the past but I could never go through with it. "Okay," I said. "I'll go."

"Good. Because I already made you an appointment for tomorrow. Love you."

I chuckled. "I love you too April." I stopped and thought for a bit. "Why do you see a counsel anyways?"

"For advice on some stuff, that's all."


"Really Andre?" My mother sighed. "I thought you were planning to at least TRY and get along."

"I was being civil," I said. "No one told him to go behind my back and start telling lies."

"Did you have to break his nose though?"

"I honestly wanted to break every bone in his body but I sufficed to just punching his face. Maybe now he knows not to fuck with me."


"My bad ma," I sighed. "I don't think you understand. We can't get along. We're like oil and water."

"Why not?"

"Because...there's a lot of reasons and I honestly don't want to get into them. I promise to be cordial at the gathering but I'm not going to be buddy-buddy with those two. Not after this."

"Why is this time so specific?"

"Just because ma."


"Aye," my dad hopped on the other line. "I heard you broke Josh's nose."

"I did."

He chuckled. "My boy."

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