💥Chapter 10: Broken Hearts Pt 2💥

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"How about we share a large popcorn?" Gemini asks Sagittarius.

"Sure, but you're buying me a drink and candy." Sagittarius said as she stood besides Gemini on the line of the concession stand.

Gemini chuckled, "Of course, I'm the one that asked you out after all. It's only right to pay."

Sagittarius was surprised he didn't reply with annoying and immature response instead he was being quite a... gentleman.

She narrowed her eyes at him suspicious on what he was trying to go at.

Gemini sensing her stare, turned to look at her. "Look, I have no hidden motives. So relax and let's enjoy tonight." Gemini gave her a reassuring smile. Sagittarius still a bit suspicious took a deep breath.

"Okay..." She gave him a small smile.

They made it to the front of the concession stand Gemini ordered a large popcorn and a large Sprite. He looked to Sagittarius, who nodded ordering a large sprite as well with neon gummy worms.

"Is that all?" The worker asks.

"Yup." Gemini nods.

"That will be 35.72." The worker replies.

Gemini nods taking out his wallet and handing the man 36 dollars.

He fished out 28 cents handing it to Gemini who simply shook his head.

Gemini picked up the popcorn along with Sagittarius's candy, Sagittarius grabbed there drinks.

"The ticket says theater seven." Sagittarius stated, they walked down the hall checking the numbers to find their respective theater.

They took a seat in the middle. The theater was currently playing previews of upcoming movies.

"I can't wait to watch Central Z-Telligence, I've been dying to watch it ever since I've watched What in the Name of Orion by her." Sagittarius squeals.

"I know, she's one of my favorite directors. I'm hooked currently on her tv show Astrological Melody." Gemini says throwing a popcorn into his mouth.

"Oh! I've watched that! Did you get to the episode where Taurus d-"

"No! No spoilers! I'm only on episode 3!" Gemini said desperately placing his hands over his ears.

Sagittarius laughed at the childish action. "Okay, okay, I won't." She smiles leaning back.

"Good. I wish she would release more things though." Gemini states taking a sip of his drink.

"I heard she goes through a lot. Not only is she a director but she's in school again, I even heard she picked up a temporary job to help with expenses on her down time from directing." Sagittarius replies.

"Wow, she does a lot for one person."

"She does, she's one of my role models for that very reason. To her directing is a passion but she still has a life to take care of so though it takes her a while to release new movies and shows, I understand because I know she's going through a lot."

"I never really thought of it that way." Gemini smiles.

"I'm happy that I've enlightened you then." Sagittarius says returning a smile. Suddenly the lights began to dim, "Oooo it's about to start!"

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