💥Chapter 3: Laser Tag Death Match💥

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(*Sniffle* No Comments makes me feel like this chapter wasn't interesting, sorry everyone.)

It took the Zodiacs almost an hour to arrive at the Lazer Tag arena and though some of them hid it, they were excited for the game ahead.

Capricorn went up to the registration area.

The women, who was typing on the computer that sat infront of her looked up, putting on a smile, "How may I help you?"

"I would like a game for 12 please." Capricorn smiled back.

"How many teams?"

Capricorn looked back and analyzed the best possible way to split the group, "Uhh, 4 teams, yeah 4."

"Okay, and what are the team names?"

"Earth, Fire, Water and Air." Capricorn answered.

"Okay... so the price for a party of 10 or more is 100 for 10 people and 5 dollars for every additional person. So your total would be 110 dollars."

Capricorn nodded taking out his wallet and pulling out a black master card.

The girl took the card, a bit of surprise showing up on her face before it quickly went away. She swiped the card, and waited for Capricorn to place his pin before handing it back to him with the receipt. "Your party will be called soon."

Capricorn nodded, placing his black card back in his wallet before walking back to the group.

"So when are we playing?" Taurus asks.

"Soon." Capricorn stated, standing besides Virgo, or rather towering besides Virgo.

"Leo, Cancer and Gemini, you're in my team." Taurus began.

"Oh, the teams are split into teams of 3. So, I was hoping we split into our respective elements." Capricorn added.

"How about no?" Cancer says with the shake of her head.

The Heroes rolled their eyes. "Look, we don't want to work with you as much as you don't want to work with us, but guess what, we're going to need to learn sometime. So how about you all man and or woman up and deal with it." Sagittarius bellows.

The Villains stared at the fiery red head for a good minute or so.

"I'm really loving this fiery attitude." Gemini smirks.

Sagittarius rolls her eyes.

"I guess splitting up into elements isn't that bad, plus it'll teach us to work as a team." Pisces indirectly agrees with Sagittarius. Pisces was the most sensible out of all the Villains, well, most of the times.

"Fine, I'm happy as long as I'm not in a group with Aquarius." Leo shrugs.

"You're a fire elementalist, I'm an air elementalist. Put it together." Aquarius retorts.

Leo took a step towards Aquarius, a look of disgust present on her face, "Want to use that tone on me again? Do it. I dare you." Leo barks.

"Okay, seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. What did I ever do to you?" Aquarius spats.

"Oh... nothing, your existence is a problem enough." Leo snorts.

"You know what? I'm looking forward to defeating you." Aquarius smiles.

"Defeating me? You couldn't defeat me if my hands were tied behind my back."

"We'll see about that." Aquarius shrugs.

"Yeah, we will." Leo says crossing her arms.

Taurus smiled at Leo's competitive personality. It was so... hot. But don't get him wrong, he doesn't see any real relationship budding between them. Since he wasn't a 'relationship' type of guy. In fact, ever since this morning he has had his eye on a different girl, and it seems like she had his eyes on him too. So... let's just say... it's complicated.

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