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Explaining the pic, I'm Hamilton obsessed.

Credit thingies:
I do not own the Teen Titans
I do not own the pics I have put up. Thanks to my wonderful friends and the internet for that.

Sequel News:
So, if you guys want it, I thought I'd write a sequel about Beast Boy and Raven trying to get back to each other? Like the last chapter. Cute idea? Let me know! And, thanks for all you readers for finishing my book! If I do write a sequel, I will title it, "The Wrong Path," so be on the lookout for it!

And, yippee! I finished my first book on Wattpad. I'm feeling really proud of myself right now. Don't ruin the moment. Okay, you can ruin it. I seriously have no clue if this was good or not.

So, tell me any ideas or suggestions for future books. I will take BBRae, RobStar, CyBee, Harry Potter and Ginny, Divergent-Tris and Tobias, or Darklina-Alina and the Darkling from Shadow and Bone, Alexander and Eliza from Hamilton, or any combination you like that I like too! Anywho, thanks to all my fabulous readers!

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