The New Additions and Video Games

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Beast Boy burst into the room to find Raven sound asleep. Gosh, she looked so cute when she slept. He inwardly shook his head. Stay focused Beast Boy, he scolded himself.

"Hey RaeRae. Time to meet the new members of the family!" He cheerfully shook her awake.

She blushed when she saw how close he was to her. Beast Boy, on the other hand, was unfazed, he just grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway.

Hand-in-hand, they reached the infirmary, and entered the room. Future Raven smiled at their joined hands from the bed she was laying upon.

In her arms lay two bundles. Raven and Beast Boy sat gently down on the bed, hands still together. He gave her hand a light squeeze and she smiled at him.

"You might want to let go of each other's hands if you want to hold them." Future Raven replied, smiling slightly. They blushed before letting go, and Future Raven handed her the first child.

It was a girl. Raven gasped upon seeing her face and her eyes filled with tears. The girl had blond tufts of hair and pale skin. Her eyes were green and she gurgled at her past mother. A purple chakra gleamed on her forehead.

She passed the child to Beast Boy, who also had tears in his eyes from his lovely new daughter.

Raven was handed the second child, who was a boy. He had red eyes, a strange combination with his black hair and pale skin. He frowned at his mother, and Raven could tell he would be a stubborn child. But, she let a few tears escape from her eyes at the beauty of her future son. Beast Boy handed the girl to his future self and received the boy, who made his eyes wet as well. They looked up at their future selves.

"Do you have any names?" Beast Boy asked.

"For the girl, we were thinking Ivy Koriand'r Logan, after Star, and for the boy, I was thinking Victor Stone Logan, after Cyborg."

"Wait, Cy's real name is Victor! Ha!" Beast Boy laughed, startling the child in his arms.

"Oops." He handed Victor to Future Raven who rocked him. He slowly fell asleep.

"They're beautiful." Raven murmured, speaking for the first time.

Future Raven nodded understandably. "I know you were scared. But, I just want to let you know that they are all worth it. And, you can always look to Beast Boy for help." Beast Boy nodded and took her hand again, giving her a comforting squeeze.
She took a deep breath and decided that everything would be alright.

TIME JUMP: 2 hours
All the Titans had come to meet the newest additions to the Titans household, and all of the new siblings were ecstatic.

"They are SO cute!" Rachel cried, holding Ivy. "I'm glad we have more babies in the household!"

Gavin nodded as he rocked Victor. "He kinda looks like you when you're angry mom." Raven nodded. "And Rachel." Rachel glared at him.

Beast Boy and Raven had escaped to Future Raven's room, where they slept. Beast Boy had decided to go to sleep. Raven was watching him.

'He's kinda cute, don't you think?' Love said dreamily, from Nevermore.

'I guess.'

'But, he looks like he's having a nightmare. Or he's uncomfortable. But I would be too if I slept on the floor!'

Raven pondered Love's words. He did look pretty uncomfortable. Maybe she could help him. She looked around, but couldn't see a more comfortable spot than her bed. She sighed, but if it meant he was more comfy, she would have to sleep with him.

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