The Parents

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They reached the Tower and Cyborg asked the question on each Titans mind.

"Who are your parents, and how old are you?"

Rachel answered first. "My parents are Rachel Logan and Garfield Logan, more commonly known as Raven and Beast Boy, though dad just goes by Beast now. I have your power mother, and I'm a quarter demon." She gave them all the red eyed look. "Gavin is my twin, and-"

"What a minute." Raven said, blushing slightly. "You say I get married to this buffoon," she gestured to Beast Boy. "And have twins! Two kids!"

"Well, you actually have five, since you have triplets next." Raven looked slightly sick before throwing Beast Boy out the window.

Rachel laughed. "You guys were mean to each other! That's what mom said but I never believed it, seeing as I walk in on them kissing 24/7." Raven's face was as red as a tomato as Beast Boy flew in through the window.

"What was that for?"

"For getting me pregnant twice!" She responded. Everyone chuckled.

"Actually, thrice. You're pregnant with twins right now." Everyone gaped at her, especially Raven and Beast Boy.

"And me and Gavin are ten."

Gavin waved at them and said, "And I can turn into animals!" before turning to Dylan.

"Okay. Um, I'm Dylan Grayson, son of Dick and Koriand'r Grayson, more commonly known as Nightwing and Starfire. I'm 9 and a half, but I'm more mature than the average nine year old. I can shoot yellow star bolts but can't fly, and I'm learning martial arts."

They all nodded. The youngest was next.

"I'm Cassie, and my parents are Victor Stone and Karen Stone, more commonly known as Cyborg and BumbleBee. I'm 8, and I have mom's power of flight. You also gave me some guns and stuff modeled to your own cybernetic body, and I usually help you with new projects."

"Me and BumbleBee?" Everyone laughed.

"We knew you two had a crush!" Beast Boy said laughing.

Cyborg didn't think that was funny. "Yeah, and we totally knew you had a crush on Raven." They both blushed and turned away.

Dylan took order. "Anyway, now that you're here I suppose you might as well meet your other kids before you leave. I can just call my dad and ask him."

"But, what if we rupture time by seeing our future selves?" Beast Boy asked, panicked. "I still want this future!"

"Excuse me?" Raven said, icily. He shrunk back.

"Well, if your so worried I suppose we can go get the other kids and brainstorm while we're at it."

"That sounds good Dylan." Robin said approvingly.

"Ok, lets go. They're at Auntie Bee and Uncle Cy's place."

"Oh no. I get to see Bee?" Cyborg screamed and had a little panic attack.

She was tired of baby-sitting every time they left in some stupid mission. She has to take care of five extra kids! Not to mention the older ones that go out and fight crime, AND there are two more on the way. It is so infuriating!

The doorbell rang and she ran over and looked out the peephole. She saw Dylan and breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened the door and gave Dylan a hug. He smiled at her. "I've got some people I think you'd want to meet."

He pointed down the alleyway and she saw Rachel, Gavin, and Cassie, accompanied Are those the TEEN TITANS!

After a lot of explaining that involved BB getting thrown out the window again, Bee believed them. She let the kids come out, and when they saw their parents they raced to them.

Beast Boy and Raven were tackled by three young kids- all girls. One girl was green while the other two were a combination.

Star and Robin were hugged by a small girl with fiery red hair. She had blue eyes and the prettiest face they had ever seen. She had blue star bolts and could fly.

Cyborg was tackled to the ground by a boy with black hair and kind, brown eyes. He had a cybernetic eye.

They all asked Bee for their names. The triplet's names were Belle, Arella, and Gabby. They showed them their powers (Belle- demon magic, Gabby- shape-shifting, and Arella- a combination of both) and they hugged their past parents. Raven and Beast Boy kept up a show as not to disappoint them, but Raven was annoyed when Gabby clutched her leg and wouldn't let go.

Star and Robin's little girl was called Mar'i. She had Star's powers with a little of Robin's touch. She was very sweet, like Starfire, but was not naive at all. She was very mature and they could tell she was a good leader like Robin. Star was all over her, and Robin tried to act like a father.

Cyborg and Bee's child was named Victor Jr. He looked exactly like Cyborg, and had all his knowledge in the garage. He was also gifted with super strength. Cyborg ruffled his hair and said, "what's up sport," before turning back to Bee.

"So...we get together in the future?"

"If the past is the same as the one I remember." She replied, looking at him. "Though, I haven't seen Sparky looking like this in forever. He changed his whole suit when he married me. I have to say, though, I like this one better."

Cyborg nodded. He actually had been working on a better suit for himself.

Rachel's communicator buzzed. She went outside to take the call. When she came back in, her face was white.

"Mom and dad will be home in an hour."

Gavin gaped at her. "But the ride takes longer than that!"

"Cyborg made some upgrades. They'll find out about you guys in one hour."

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