"I'm wanted Fred. There was an article about me in the paper and its already dangerous there as it is. I can't go back there!" Riley whimpered slightly.

"What're you talking about?" I whispered as I stroked her cheek.

"The Daily Prophet, there was an article about me, about how I'm dangerous and wanted for my father's crimes. Didn't you see it?"

I bit my lip, "I'll send something to Oliver. But...if he doesn't get back, Riley you'll have to—"

"You can't be serious!" Riley shot up from her spot, seething with anger, her hair turned black and I realized this was not going to end well.

"I'm listening to what Oliver asked me to do!" I hissed at her.

Riley shook her head and glared, "I was dropped down a flight of stairs, I'm one of the most wanted people, and all you have to tell me is that you're doing what Oliver instructed! Since when do you follow orders?"

"Since I can't risk having him on my arse about you and your safety!" I raised my voice in frustration, Riley's eyes widened and she leaned against the wall beside the bed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" her voice was barely above a whisper, her hair slowly returning to its brown.

I rubbed my face in my hands and groaned, "Come on Rye....just listen to me, it's-"

"Please no...it's horrible there, we could run—" Riley whimpered and her eyes grew big as she gazed at me.

I sighed and brushed her rather messy hair out of her face and smiled, "I personally would want that sweetheart...but I'd rather Oliver didn't murder me just yet." I shifted so as to make sure the small box was under my shoulder as her hand went under the pillow and she sighed deeply and kissed me.

"What do you mean: just yet?" Riley whispered excitedly.

I laughed slightly, "don't worry about it Rye."

Riley huffed and moved away slightly, I pulled her back and held onto her waist, "where do you think you're going?" I whispered in her ear. She laughed as I started kissing her as I held her tightly.

*Riley's POV*

I woke up Christmas morning to find Fred and George already awake and gone from the bedroom, I stretched and put on a pair of Fred's flannel pants over my shorts before walking out of the room. I walked down the small hall and walked into the living room where a small evergreen tree sat with small ornaments, under the tree were a few wrapped boxes; I smiled to myself as I walked to the kitchen where the twins, Charlie and Ginny stood leaning against the counter while the food cooked.

"Merry Christmas guys," I grinned as I leaned against the kitchen door frame.

Fred's face lit up when he saw me and Charlie, George and Ginny smiled a warm greeting, "merry Christmas," they all said.

"Sit, breakfast is ready," Charlie said as he waved his wand and a few plates loaded with eggs and toast floated to the small table beside them.

Fred grabbed my hand as we sat around the table, "merry Christmas love."

We ate breakfast and sat in the living room by the tree, Charlie handed out the neatly wrapped gifts and we all tore into them. Charlie had gotten the twins their own firebolts and had given me a clip for my hair that was an enchanted emerald green dragon that moved to fasten around my hair. Ginny had gotten a small locket with a matching bracelet and a blue version of the same dragon clip I had gotten. George got me a collection of muggle books I had told him that I really wanted, while Fred didn't get me anything. Ginny gave me loads of makeup and other beauty things to use, which I found funny because I had given her sweets and a little bit of makeup things like eyeshadow and eyeliner.

I was sitting against a tree in front of Charlie's when Fred sat beside me and a grin on his face, I glared slightly.

"Oh Riley, like I'd ever forget to give you a gift," Fred smirked as he handed me a small box. My heart skipped as I looked at it for what felt like a millennia, my hands shook as I grasped the box and slowly opened it.

Inside the box sat a small, silver R attached to a silver chain; I smiled as I looked at it and looked up at Fred who sat in silence smiling at me.

My breath caught and I dropped my book and wrapped my arms around Fred's neck tightly, Fred chuckled as he hugged me back.

"Actually, that one is mine," Fred reached into his pocket and handed me another box, "this is yours."

I took it and opened it to find a small, F with a few diamonds on it; my breath caught as I looked at it.

"Turn it over," Fred whispered. I flipped the F and noticed words etched in perfect cursive which read: 'you'll always have me in your heart, I will love you forever, F.'

I kissed Fred on the lips before I put the necklace around my neck, "this is the sweetest, most cheesiest gift..." I laughed at Fred's expression and pulled him in for a kiss, I leaned my forehead on his and grinned, "and I love it so much."

Fred grinned and stroked my cheek as he shifted so that we were sitting closer together, "I knew you'd say that...which is why I did it."

I scrunched my nose at him as I laughed and interlaced my fingers with his, we sat there in comfortable silence as we heard birds chirp in the distance. I smiled at him but it faltered slightly, I had thought that today would just be even more special but it wasn't...granted I loved the necklace but, I truly thought that the box held something different. Something that I really did want, but did he? I was too afraid to ask so I stayed quiet as I enjoyed his warmth and his strong arms that wrapped around me.


sorry if this wasn't a great chapter! I swear it gets more interesting in the next one ;) (which involves Draco)

Thoughts are all I ask, comments/ votes make me smile :)

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