Chapter 4

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I left Oryn by the edge of the stream. He didn't feel threatened by my words, although I think they made him angrier than he let on.

I angrily made my way through the woods back to camp, heaving from my encounters with Cam and Oryn. Lennon's head bobbed up as she saw me, happiness flooding her cheeks until she realized I was angry. She lowered her hands and slumped back into her seat.

Herra was stitching an article of clothing next to Lennon. She continued to thread the fabric while looking up at me, a blank glare graced her pale face.

"I'm going for a run," I informed them.

"Go with her, Lennon," Herra instructed. Lennon jumped up anxiously and followed me. I didn't want to fight Herra and I didn't want Lennon to think I was angry at her; none of this was her fault.

"I haven't been on a run in forever, Gem!" Lennon cheered. She skipped happily beside me, just far enough to be out of sight. I began to strip my pants and shirt, not wanting to ruin another pair of clothes when I had so few.

I folded Lennon's clothes and set them on top of mine before shifting. Contrary to the soot-brown hair on my head, my wolf's coat was a mixture of cocoa browns, tan, and white. Lennon was still small but flooded with enthusiasm and adrenaline that had me bounding after her tawny pup.

We ran around the length of the river, a short run but enough to stretch our legs. Lennon grew tired quickly, and I ended up carrying her by her scruff. She was asleep when I reached the camp, and I gently set her down next to the fire.

I retrieved our clothes and dressed myself quickly.

"Gemma!" Oryn called. I grumbled and walked back to where he and Herra were waiting.

"Did you talk to him?" Herra asked quickly.

"Yes," I nodded, brushing my hair with my fingers. "But he won't release Wesley until I agree to meet with his Alpha."

"Then meet with the Alpha." Her small mouth grew smaller as she pursed her lips.

"It's not that easy, Herra."

"It is," She ignored my comment. "You'll do it."

"And what happens when the Alpha meets me, realizes who I am, and kills me? Then you'll never get Wesley back!"

She stalked forward and grabbed my shoulder. Her hand came over my cheek fast, sharp, and left just as swiftly. My mouth hung open as I palpated my cheek, instantly bruising from the hit Herra delivered.

"I don't care what happens to you," Her voice was low and short. "You will get Wesley back or I will kill you. Wesley has Alpha blood in him, he's valuable."

"That's why you want him back? Not because he's your brother?"

"Half-brother," She reminded me.

"Herra," I sighed.

"You will march your ass over that boundary line and bat your eyelashes as your mate until he lets my brother go."

"Half," I whispered. She cocked her head. "Half-brother, remember?"

She growled and raised her hand again. Oryn grabbed her hand before she could hit be again and pulled her back.

"If she's covered in bruises, her mate is going to start asking questions," He hissed in her ear. Herra pushed him off of her and spat at his feet. A guttural sound emanated from him, and he began shaking.

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