Family Dinner Part.1

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Kei-Kei Yuki: I'm late but I'm back~! ;)

Beta By: Pure Red Crane

Chapter Seven

Family Dinner Part.1

Away from her desk, Sakura was heading over to deliver some to flies to Shikamaru when the evaluator dinged before opening and to reveal the person who stepped out. Her appearance drew the attention of both the men and women on the top floor. Cerulean blue eyes lit up when she made eye contact with the pinkette standing before her, walking over to the taller woman and pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

Sakura let out a pained sound, reminded that despite Naruko's somewhat petite build, she was by no means weak. The blonde pulled back to beamed a smile up at Sakura. "Ohayo! Sakura-chan! It's been awhile since I last saw you. You know, we should really meet up sometime when I'm free."

Emerald eyes began looking Naruko up and down, taking in her new appearance that caused a lot of men to gawk their eyes at the smaller woman. The blonde was all dressed up. This so out of character that Sakura couldn't help but be confused. "Naruko?"

"Mm? Who else would I be?" The blonde tilted her head to the side in a somewhat cute fashion. "Oh, how do you think I look by the way? I want to hear a woman's opinion before Sasuke and I head out." Naruko asked with a hand resting on her right hip. Sakura saw that the blonde was wearing a sexy, yet cute long sleeve black romper. There was a slight touch of mascara applied to the eyes, enhancing those deep beautiful blue eyes of hers, luscious plump lips glossed in red lipstick. On her feet were a pair of red Jimmy Choo wedges that Sakura realized were the same pair she been dying to have after seeing her best friend modeling them on the cover of a Paris fashion magazine. Her short golden blonde locks were tousled and in more disarray than usual, giving her more of a feisty appeal.

"You look stunning, Naruko, but what is the occasion?" Sakura found herself asking, before shooting a sharp warning glare in the direction of the men who were shamelessly ogling their boss' wife. They instantly went back to work not wanting to deal with the fearsome pinkette's hot-temper.

"Sasuke and I are meeting up with our families tonight for dinner," Naruko replied. Just then Sasuke made his way out of his office, his suit jacket draped over his left arm, eyes instantly recognizing Naruko and Sakura. But once the blonde sensed his presence, she directed her eyes in his direction.

"Yo! Are you ready to go?" Naruko asked, either unaware or ignoring the way those onyx eyes were secretly ogling her. The left corner of his lips lifted upward, a smirk on his face before he made his way over to the blonde.

"Let's go," Sasuke ordered and headed inside the elevator. Naruko was about to trail after him when she suddenly felt tired and almost tripped on thin air. She would have landed on the floor had Sasuke not caught her in time. "Naruko, are feeling okay?" Obsidian dark orbs glanced worriedly at the woman in his arms. Naruko gave him a sheepish grin before regaining her strength to stand back on her feet.

"I'm fine! Just been feeling a little tired lately. It's nothing to be concerned about, Sasuke." Naruko regained her footing and smiled more brightly at her husband, but Sasuke was having a hard time believing her. He had asked the same question this morning when she was in the bathroom throwing up. But whenever he asked this exact same question, he received the exact same reply. The blonde would insist that she was okay, but Sasuke could feel in his gut that something was wrong. For now, however, he would let the matter rest. They were running late.

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