Chapter 20: Shifter School

Start from the beginning

I just laughed.  "So, what about the level one shifters?  Is it the same for them?  The later they shift, the more trouble they have controlling it?"

"No, the level one's all shift around the same age, and they aren't any more powerful than regular animals.  They have a much easier time blending in with the general population, though.  A cat or a dog won't attract much attention in a human neighborhood.  Even an elephant or a tiger can be rationally explained.  But, a lion as big as a horse?  A bear the size of a rhinoceros?  That won't go unnoticed."

I felt my eyes go wide.  "Did you say bears?"

"Oh, yes," Jewel said.  "They're absolutely terrifying.  Pretty laid back most of the time, but get 'em riled up and.... let's just say it's not pretty."

"Are there any around here?"

"No.  They can't really tolerate the heat, so they're all up in Greenland."

I couldn't help but think that was a good thing.

"Hey, Jewel," I said, as we entered back into the main core of the village.  There was one other thing I had been wondering about for a few days now. "Is there such thing as a level three shifter?"

Jewel grinned.  "Yes, but they are extremely rare."

"What are they like?" I asked eagerly.

She gave me a sideways look, still grinning.  "You've never wondered where stories of dragons and griffins and flying horses come from?"

I was too amazed to speak.


I woke up Monday morning to what sounded like thunder rumbling through the ground.  I shot up in bed, my heart rate skyrocketing so fast I felt dizzy.  What was that?  An earthquake?  Did they have earthquakes in South Carolina?

I heard a groan and a curse from above my head.  Jewel launched herself from the top bunk and landed deftly in the middle of the floor.  "Crap!" she said, lunging for her shoes and regular clothes.  "Crap!"

"What is it?" I said.  "What's going on?"

"We're late!"


"For school, numbskull!  Get dressed, hurry!"

I turned my head, listening to the roar of noise outside the door.  That did not sound like the start to any school day I had ever seen.  It sounded more like a herd of elephants was tearing through the building.

"Eve, hurry!" Jewel shouted. 

"Okay, okay," I threw myself out of bed and reached for my suitcase.  I was quickly caught up in the mad dash to get dressed and ready, although my eyes kept drifting to the front door.  It seemed like the noise was getting louder.  The earth was vibrating under my feet.

"Are you done yet?" Jewel shouted while I was in the bathroom, using generous amounts of water and hair gel to try and bring my curls under control.

"Just a few more minutes!" I shouted back.  We practically had to shout in order to be heard above all this racket.

"What's taking for long?  I was barely in there for a minute!"

"Yeah, well your hair is straight and short!"

"You look fine, let's go!"  She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the exit.  I stumbled after her, my stupid hair flinging water droplets all over the floor. 

When we got outside, a scene of complete chaos met my eyes.  The school was teaming with a mixture of teenagers and wild animals, all racing through the hallways and across the boardwalks as if they were competing in some kind of insane footrace.

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