Chapter 21- The Complication

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I jerk awake and throw my pillow across my apartment.

I look around my apartment then I hear the beeping again.

The phone on the nightstand sounds again.

I pick up the phone and ask slowly, "Hello?"

"Hey Katilynn." says the voice on the other line.

Immediately my heart races and an uncontrollable smile covers my face.

"Hi." I say back, picturing a boy with blonde hair on the other end of the phone.

"I hope you had fun last night. So anyway. I'm going to be at training a little late today I have to do a few things. I promise I'll be there though, okay?"

"Okay. Why are you telling me that you'll be late?" I ask.

Collin let out a small chuckle. "Just to make sure that you don't call the Trisha to send out a search team to come and find me."

"And why exactly would I do that?" I ask.

I already know the answer to that question, and Collin seems to have to have figured it out too.

"Because you'd miss me, that's why." Collin says.

I can feel Collin's smirk just about as much as I can feel my own cheeks heat up.

"Okay, well I guess I'll just see you at training. Whenever you may show up." I say.

"Sounds good." Collin says.

Silence goes by.

"Well are you going to hang up?" I ask Collin after about 7 minutes of silence.

"I was waiting for you to actually." Collin says.

"Fine." I say.

I pull the phone away from my ear while I'm in the motion to hit the end button I hear Collin say "I love y-".

My finger connected with the end button and Collin's message got cut off.

"WAIT!" I say aloud even though no one can hear me.

I just hung up on Collin when he was saying he loved me! OH MY GOD.

Way to go hot shot.

What?! I didn't mean to!

Now fully alert, I get out of bed and get ready for training. I'll have to apologize to Collin when we get to training.

Quickly, I rip my hairbrush through my hair and braid it down my back.

Opening up my drawers, I notice how little clothes I have. Something silver catches my eye. I move my clothes to the side and stare at the charm.


I haven't worn the bracelet since I first got here. Until now.

I clip the bracelet onto my wrist and pull out a green t-shirt with white streaks across it. I picked up the shirt when I went shopping with Alika. Walking into the tiny laundry room, there's a pile of unfolded but clean clothes on top of the washing machine. A pair of jeans is the first thing I see, so I quickly slip those on and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finish that, I pause and look at myself in the mirror.

I notice the difference between the girl I would have seen months ago and the girl I see standing before the mirror now. Both girls have the brown/red hair and grey eyes. However this girl has more strength in her arms and legs. She has a long scar running down her arm from a bunch of boys who tried to kill her.

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