Chapter Seven-Training is Canceled

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Groggy, I wake up.

Yesterday the nurse in the examination room put light blue salve on the bullet wound and wrapped this white cloth.

I touch the material around my waist, smooth as silk.

The salve feels like it's taking out all the pain and ache where the wound is leaving a fresh mint sensation. It's suppose to speed up the healing process of cuts, burns and wounds. Plus, it'll protect my injury from infection.

"Hello residents. Please understand that there is a difficulty in the training room so training is canceled for today. Thank you for your understanding. Please enjoy the rest of your day." says a voice from the ceiling speaker.

Lazily, I fall back on to my bed and sleep


The clock reads 11:37.

Maybe I should get up.

At the speed of a turtle, I roll out of bed and rummage around in my bag. I set a blue t-shirt and jeans out to wear for the day.

With bare feet, I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair.

Deciding to wear my hair down, I walk back out to the space near my bed and change into my blue clothing.

For the first time since I arrived here, I notice a white square inside my bag. Curiously, I open it. In messy handwriting, a small note is scrawled on the paper.


I don't know when you are reading this, but I want you to know that we love you. I hope you are doing well because your mom and I are holding up. Maybe I'll visit by the time you turn 20.

I love you


Smiling I set the note on the dresser, next to the TV. I grab my bag and dump everything on my bed.

Grabbing the knobs of the dresser, I pull each of the three drawers out. Quickly, I mentally label the drawers. The top will be for shirts, the middle for pants and the bottom for underwear and bras.

Swiftly, I fold each article of clothing like how my mom taught me years ago.

Once I'm done I see three groups of square/rectangle shaped clothing.

To make sure I didn't ruin my folding job, putting away my clothes went slowly. I place the note from my father under a piece of underwear, so no one would find it.

What to do today?

Silently I go over the things that I could do.

1. Take a class.

I'm not in the mood to sit in a classroom right now.

2. Find something to eat.

Right now it's 12:28. It's way past the time when the apartment building serves breakfast. Too bad I'm not even hungry anyway.

3. Go watch a fight.

Ah. That's risky. I'm not sure I want to watch people beat each other up, but maybe I'll discover some new moves.

Slipping on sneakers, I walk out the door with the key to my room in my front pocket.

Walking alone toward the elevator, my mind is at rest.

In a way I feel like a robot. The doors ding open. I take 3 steps to get in the elevator, then jam my thumb into the 'L' button. In front of me, the door shut and I feel the car move downward.

Within about 2 minutes, the door re-open at the lobby. I walk strait out and toward the front desk.

"Excuse me. Would you by chance know where the fighting is?" I ask.

A young blonde girl, probably around 23 years old, turns around.

"Oh yes honey! It's called the fighting square. You'll have to take a right when you walk out then take a left after about 8 yards. The name is engraved into the building. You'll find it." says the woman at the desk.

"Thanks. Have a nice day." I say as I leave.

Once I step out of the door and start following the lady's directions, two boys walk past me.

"Did you hear about the fight going on right now?" says one boy.

"Yes! I hear one of them is getting beat to pulp. I bet he's dead right now." says the other boy. "Want to go watch?"

The two boys take off down the sidewalk. Curiously, I follow the two boys at an unsuspecting distance.


The two boys run into a hole in a wall. On the side is a sign made of black marble. Carved into the marble is "The Fighting Stage".

I walk into a room and see rows and rows of punching bags. There's also a place full of small stages, like they have in the training room. However, there's a huge group of people surrounding one of the stages.

Faster than normal, I walk toward the people. I see two boys my age on the stage, but I can't see too much. To get a better view I shove people out of the way. I get a few unkind words from a couple people, but I just keep going.

When I get to the front a small gasp escapes me.

On the stage is a boy who has buzzed hair and is wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts. He looks about 19 years old. The other boy looks my age. He has blonde hair with soft grey eyes. His nose is bleeding and it looks like he's wincing every 3 seconds.

"You about done Eastman?" the boy with the buzz asked the wincing boy.

"Not until I can't breathe anymore Jack." says the beaten boy.

Oh my god.

I recognize the blonde haired boy now. He sat next to me when I awaited my fate back home. He was the one who mentioned this place to me. The boy I punched in the arm. My nutcase.

I mumble his name.



I hope you like the story so far! Please Vote and Comment! Sorry this is short! Anyone remember this Collin kid? :D

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