Chapter Ten- Her Story PART 1

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Heyyy! So I'm going to split this chapter into 2 parts because it's going to be long. Okay? Okay.

After about a week, Collin and I are released from the hospital.

"I'd avoid anywhere with aggressive fighting." the nurse had said before we walked out of the building.

Both Collin and I walk around the square, to no where in particular. Everyone else walks around us, walking to their  own destinations.

"Well, what else is here?" I ask Collin.

"Uh, not much. The only thing that we could do here is fight, go to a class, eat or sleep." Collin says.

"Where is the place where you can take classes?" I ask curiously. 

Collin turns right onto a sidewalk. Of course I follow.

For a few minutes I take in what I see here. Almost all the building are black marble even though some places are just holes in the dome. The ceiling is way to high to see what it's made of. The sidewalks are made of chunks of flat rock with cement to hold them together. In the most amazing ways, this place if beautiful no matter what. 

"Fruitcake? You there?" Collin asks waving a hand in front of my eyes.

They probably glazed over while I was thinking.

"Yeah?" I answer quietly.

"See that white building? It's the only one we have here, but that is the learning edifice." Collin explains.

"What's an ed-" I start to ask, but Collin cuts me off.

"It's another name for 'building'" Collin says.

"Thanks" I say with a hint of sarcasm.

Wow. I call this place home and I barely know anything about it. Back when I lived with my parents, someone could blindfold me and I'd still be able to navigate where everything is. Here I barely know what building is which and what happens inside. The curious girl inside of me starts asking questions.

What's The Remedy's history?

How did Trisha end up here?

Who really developed the system here?

Before I can control my own legs, I'm walking with a focused eye on the learning edifice.

Collin attempts to catch up with me, but I'm in my own world.

Collin says something to me, but I ignore him. I must learn, I must know the truth about this place. 

That's when I fall. One minute I'm walking on the sidewalk, the next I'm on the ground.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" says a man standing over me.

"Sorry..." I mumble. 

"Fruity! I told you to 'look out'!" Collin says.

"Jeez man! Tell your girlfriend to watch out when she's walking." says the man.

Then with those lovely words, the man leaves me sitting on the street.

Did that man just say I was Collin's girlfriend? Why does everyone think that?

"What a delightful man." I say.

Collin stretches his hand out and I take it. Gently, he pulls me to my feet. Together we start walking again.

"If you couldn't tell there are some very reprehensible people here." Collin says.

"English please?" I ask. "Seriously, what is up with you and all the fancy words?" 

"Sorry, I'm trying to see what makes you mad. Reprehensible means vicious, or not very nice." Collin explains to me. 

"Why the he-" I start.

"No swearing missy! " Collin playfully scolds me.

"Shut up!" I say. "You don't control me!" 

Collin starts smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"Just the way you act, accepting any challenge. You fit in this place perfectly. I knew it the moment for knuckles connected with my shoulder, which still hurts by the way." Collin says.

"Oh." is all I can say.

Do I really belong here?

Is he telling the truth?

"Here we are!" Collin says.

The two of us stand in front of the white building. A sign above the door says "The Learning Edifice".

Both of us climb the steps and he opens the door.

"After you." Collin says with a slight smile. 

"Thanks." I say as I walk in the building. 


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