She looked so good.

The bailiff swore her in and she took her seat.

"Ms.Jones, you're a close friend of Mr. and Mrs.Shakur correct?"Ava asked.

"Yes."She replied.

"You were with them on the night in question correct?"Ava asked.

"Yes I was."Taniyah said.

"How were they that night?"Ava asked.

"Exactly how they usually are. All over each other. She was sitting on his lap. Then she went to put her kids to sleep because everybody was bothering them. Then he started filming everybody and she got mad, like usual."Taniyah chuckled.

"Did you talk to Mrs.Shakur anytime after she left Afeni's house?"

"I did. I had called to make sure she made it home safely and I saw her at the hospital after the accident."Taniyah answered.

"No further questions."Ava said.

"Does the defense have any questions?"Judge Adams asked.

"We do."Mr.Moretti replied and stood up.

"Ms.Jones, How would you describe Mrs.Shakur's behavior at the hospital?"Mr. Moretti asked.

"Devastating. She was very sad. I would be too."Taniyah replied.

"Is it true that multiple people had to force Mrs.Shakur out of the hospital because she wouldn't leave?"

"That's true."Taniyah answered.

"Why?"Mr.Moretti asked.

"She wanted answers. She went to look at his body and she said that it wasn't him. She said she wasn't leaving until she knew where her husband was."Taniyah explained.

"What did you think?"

"Well, I wasn't allowed to view the body. Only the spouse and the mother were allowed to go on there. The casket was closed at the funeral so I never saw it."She explained.

"Do you think you'd be able to tell if you did see the body?"Mr.Moretti.

"Probably not. She's his wife. She knows his body through and through. They sleep together. They shower together. She would know."Taniyah explained.

"Would you describe your best friend as a violent person?"Mr.Moretti asked.

"Not at all. She's very sweet."Taniyah replied.

"Well, did you know she has an assault charge and that she's been in a mental hospital more than once. She's clearly disturbed. I mean how do we know she didn't set her husband to be killed and just convince herself that she didn't do it."Mr.Moretti said.

"There's nothing wrong with her. I have known her for 20 years. That assault charge was self defense and that's supposed to be off her record so how do you know about it?"Taniyah asked.

"How do you know it was self defense?"Mr.Moretti asked dismissing Taniyah's question.

"I was there. I saw the whole thing."Taniyah answered.

"Objection!"Ava yelled, standing up. "The statement from my client proves that his wife had nothing to do with this."

"It proves that she didn't try kill him herself, not that she didn't set it up."Mr.Moretti explained.

"Sustained. Maybe the two of you should find some more evidence. At this point it just feel like you two are just pointing the finger at whoever."Judge Adams snapped.

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