Kidnapped in Hong Kong Pt. 1

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Taehyung and I left the hotel and met at the end of the street, flagging a taxi driver for transportation to a market where we could get some snacks for the members. I opened the door for Taehyung and waited for him to climb in the taxi first. "The nearest market please." The taxi driver shifted gears to drive and sped off into traffic.
Taehyung sat quitely, tapping his foot on the floor of the car and twirled his thumbs. I sat there gazing out my window to my right, watching buildings blur at the speed of the vehicle. I glanced at Taehyung's cell phone screen, craning my neck to get a better look at the image displayed. He chuckled to himself and noticed my gaze, shifting his cell phone to face me. "I like to look at memes fans made of Bangtan." He grazed his index finger up on the screen to scroll down to the next image. He read the caption that was attached and layed his head against the window on his door, laughing uncontrollably. I have to admit, the meme was pretty funny, so I ended up joining him in laughter.
Taehyung's high-pitched laughter died down and he put a hand to his stomach. Sputtered laughter continued to escape, and I put a hand to my mouth in hopes of stopping the laughter. Taehyung smiled to himself. "You know? You're quite cute when you're having fun... you should let loose every once in a while."
I looked down onto my lap, a smile progressively growing as I felt my cheeks become red. He grinned and poked my cheek, just like my sister had done eleven years ago on her tenth birthday. "You. Are. Blushing!" Taehyung mused slowly, grinning as wide as can be.
I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch the face, and get out of the car. We have arrived."
He held his hands up in surrender. "Yes, ma'am." He saluted me before climbing out of the car. I rolled my eyes at his action and followed suit.
I tipped the taxi driver and jogged over to Taehyung who had already begun grabbing bags of chips. I bent down to read labels on bags that were displayed outside on a table, but it had already gotten pretty dark to actually make out the words. I craned my neck over boxes and shelves to make sure Taehyung was in my view range. I spotted him comparing two bottles of some kind of sweet drink a few aisles down, lifting them up and down in his hands.
I felt my cell phone buzzing in my suit jackets pocket, reading the caller ID before answering. Joon Jae. "Hello?"
"Agent Kang, where are you?"
"I took Taehyung to the market a few blocks down from the hotel. Is there a problem?"
It was silent on the other end. "No problem; just checking. Stay safe." Joon Jae hung up the call.
I placed my cell phone back in my pocket and turned away from the shelf I was facing inside the store, jumping at Taehyung's sudden appearance behind me. "Is everything okay?" He asked smiling at my reaction.
"Yes. Did you get everything?"
"Yup!" He confirmed happily, a cheesy smile on his face as we made our way towards the cashier.
He set everything down onto the counter one by one, shoving his now empty hands into his pocket. He watched the numbers add up and counted the money in his wallet. Once she rang up his total, he gave her the proper amount and grabbed the bags. "Kaja."

It was a bit chilly outside; the evening getting darker by the minute. Taehyung lowered his head into his jacket and waddled like a penguin across the street. He kept his eyes on the alley road, kicking trash and pebbles out of his way. I noticed that he was walking towards a group of bulky men sitting outside a black, junky van. "Mr. Kim--" I grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him out of the way. He observed his surroundings and noticed that he had almost walked into the group.
"I apologize." He bowed his head and we continued down the alley way to the main road. We heard heavy footsteps approaching and walked cautiously.
"Yah." An ahjussi from the group called. "Yah!" Taehyung put a hand on my left shoulder pulling me in closer to him, my body stiffening and his eyes fixated on the end of the alley. The footsteps behind us got quicker, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around to face the bulky ahjussi. Taehyung stepped in front of me causing the man's grip on my shoulder to release. "We got business with her."
"Not unless you got business with me." Taehyung clarified. They're korean... I thought to myself.
"That's enough, Bo Chang!" Another ahjussi from the group said, making his way towards, if I'm not mistaken, Bo Chang. "I'll talk to this one." Taehyung's body stiffened. "Kang. Dae. Cha." The ahjussi spoke slowly. I averted my eyes at the sudden creepy call of my name. "How's daddy?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He smiled. "Do you not remember me?"

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