Fun and Games

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"Oh my gosh!" The members exclaimed, excitement written on their faces. They all jumped up and down the hotel beds, wrinkling the bedding that was made tightly and neat. The hotel rooms were very nice and obviously expensive. There was a chandelier above in the middle of the room, two beds and a couch, a vanity with a enormous mirror above, and a big window overlooking the city to compliment the room. The bathroom was clean and white; lighting reflecting off the pearly white marble. This place was absolutely gorgeous.
"Who is going to stay with who?" Namjoon asked the members, removing his sunglasses and swinging his backpack off his shoulder.
"We could draw straws..." Taehyung suggested.
"I don't care what room I stay in, as long as I get to share one with Rap Monster." Yoongi said, walking over to stand by the door with Namjoon.
Jin stood up from the bed he was sitting on, facing all the members. "Then we'll take a vote: choose the members you would rather stay with." Jin put his arm over Jungkook's broadened shoulders. "I must watch over this maknae, so we'll take this room."
Jungkook gave Jin a cheesy smile. "I choose Taehyung," Jungkook decided. "So he'll be in this room."
"It's settled then:" Namjoon agreed. "Jimin, Yoongi, J-Hope and I will take the room across." The four members left the room and entered the one across from us.
Jin noticed that I was still present in the room and asked if I'd have to stay in the room for the week. "Yes, I have to stay in the same room Mr. Kim will be staying in."
Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and threw himself onto the bed, laughing as they landed on their sides. "Well, you should get a bed, then. I can sleep on the couch..." Jin noted.
"No, I won't be sleeping tonight, so there will be no need." Jin was hesitating whether he thought this was a good idea. "Besides, I'll take shifts with Agent Park, so it's not like I won't be getting any rest for the whole week." I gave Jin a reassuring smile and walked over to Taehyung and Jungkook who were now pinning each other to the bed. I decided not to bother with them and went on my way towards the door.
On my way out, what felt like a pillow hit the back of my head, in result making me jerk forward due to its intense impact. I turned around to see a very shocked Jungkook making his way over to me, pressing his large hands to my head, massaging it smoothly. "Agent Kang, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to throw that at you."
I removed his hands from my head and bent down to grab the offending pillow. "Right..." I gripped the pillow by its edges and bashed it across Jungkook's face. He stumbled back and put a hand against the wall to catch himself. He noticed the smile that formed on my face and couldn't help but smile back. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back into the room. I ran up to the bed on my right and grabbed another pillow for coverage. Jungkook approached me and swung a pillow at my side. I moved backwards, dodging the pillow and swung mine aggressively at Jungkook's stomach. He doubled over, crying fake tears as he acted as though he was actually hurt. I laughed at his silliness and looked at both Taehyung's and Jin's expressions, obviously confused by my sudden mood change.
Taehyung didn't want to miss a minute and grabbed his own pillow, hitting Jin with it. Jin was taken aback, scoffing and yanking the pillow away from Taehyung. The two members were fighting over the pillow, kicking and pulling until the pillow split in half, feathers that were stuffed inside now flying through the air.
Jungkook stood up and jumped onto Jin's back, covering his eyes and trying to keep his balance on his back. Taehyung came over in my direction and wrapped a sheet around my petite self. I squealed in the sheet happily and fell back on the bed. I laughed until my stomach felt like it was suffocating. I began to recognize this feeling: the feeling of pure joy and genuine laughter. It had been so long that I must have forgotten this blessed feeling.
Someone had jumped onto my body, yanking me out of my thoughts. I squirmed in the sheets, trying to get a visual of the member on me. Taehyung removed the sheet off my face, a grin as wide as can be smiling down at me. He looked so angelic, my face lighting up at the sight of his smile causing his eyes to squint in joy. He grabbed my shoulders through the bed sheet and pulled me on top of him, rolling all over the bed until we landed onto the floor in a thud. I let out a scream in the crook of his neck and landed on top of his muscular chest, my forehead hitting his chin. We just layed there, our bodies shaking from all the laughs and giggles.
I opened my eyes and lifted my head from his chest, taking notice of the closeness of our bodies. His face was facing the left, his grin slowly fading. A feather from a pillow landed his unkempt hair. I struggled to pull my arm out of the bed sheet wrapped around me and slowly drew my hand closer to the feather, pinching it and twirling it in my fingers. He turned his head to face me, watching my fingers rub against the stem of the feather, it's fast motion causing the feather to blur. He held the feather still and removed my body from on top of him. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "No more fun and games. Agent Kang, how would you like to help me by some snack foods? China has some great food in stock, and I want to get some as a gift for the members."
I nodded my head and picked my body up from off the ground, watching Taehyung walk over to Jin and Jungkook's pillow fight and trying to cease the silliness.
The thought of the moment that had just occured produced one last chuckle to myself. I layed back down onto the floor, putting my arm on top of my forehead in thought. I closed my eyes and dreamed of a new life surrounded by the sound of laughter and love. A love from a truly happy family.

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