Apologies and new guy

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(Btw, this photo made me laugh so hard but cry bullets all at the same time)

Tony: Over the past few months, us Avengers have had a hard time with... everything.

Sam: We know

Tony: It started in our mini Civil War, which I admit that I regret. Since then we've all been fighting about crap.

Nat: Seriously dude, we know all this stuff. Repeating it won't help.

Clint: Yeah, stop

Tony: It was to the point where Nick had to hire an 18-year-old superhero to bring us back together.

Wanda: GG is 18?

Pepper: Is she? I don't know

Tony: Nick's plan did not work and here we are, not only ruining our own lives but ruining GG's.

GG: You guys didn't ruin my life, you actually made it a whole lot more interesting

Tony: so I'd like to say: I'm sorry. Really, I am. I'm blaming myself for this entire mess, if I would've realized sooner that it wasn't Bucky's fault for killing my parents... Steve and I would still be pals.

Nat: As much as I want to laugh in your face, it's not completely your fault. The Accords are what triggered this whole thing.

Wanda: I agree with Nat

Clint: Same. Though I'd probably still be retired if this didn't happen.

Tony: Yeah, but still. Because of me, Rhodes is crippled and everything is falling apart.

Pepper: Honey... we love you, we don't blame your for anything

Sam: I wouldn't say that. I blame him for a lot of things.

Steve: Not the time, Sam.

Coulson: I blame all of you and none of you. There, problem solved. Now I want to introduce you to your new hero.

Clint: Way to spoil the moment, gosh

Nat: as much as I'm displeased that you ruined this, I'm excited to know who our new hero is

Coulson: good, now are you ready?

Thor: YeS!

Tony: No

Coulson: It is...

(Spider-Man was added to the group message)

Spider-Man: It's me!

Steve: Are you serious?

Rhodes: This has to be a joke, right?

Coulson: What? Peter, what are you doing? It is not Spider-Man, I don't know what he's saying.

Spider-Man: Come on, man. Let me help

Sam: Who even added him?

Spider-Man: A magician never reveals his secrets

Coulson: Ignore him, I'll tell you the actual hero.

Spider-Man: It's me, guys. Coulson is messing with you. I've come to rescue you!

(Spider-Man was removed from the group message)

Coulson: Okay, now I'll add him

Nat: Our hero is a man? Wanda and I are the only girls. Oh, and GG

GG: It's okay, technically I'm not an Avenger so it is just you and Wanda.

(Dave was added to the group message)

Dave: Hey, I am your new hero, apparently.

Bruce: Hello

Clint: Dave?

Dave: Yes, that is indeed my name.

Clint: ...That's a ordinary name

Dave: Same with Steve. Also, you needed 'an' not 'a' in front of ordinary because it starts with a vowel.

Bruce: I say that to them all the time.


Nat: Oh no

Clint: Yeah, I already don't like him.

Pepper: Clint, be nice. Hello, Mr. Dave

Tony: Hey Coulson, will you return him back to Australia?

Sam: Australia?

Tony: Yeah, he's got that Australian accent.

GG: What? Where is he?

Rhodes: With us at the Stark Tower, why?

GG: no reason, I'll be right over.

Nat: oh no


I just want to say thanks to all those peeps who commented last chapter.

Shoutout to Empath_demigod for creating the character Dave. You'll get to know him more next chapter. She got to create a character because she won the book cover contest.

Yet, I am going to start doing shoutouts because readers seem to like that. So if you comment & vote a lot, then you have a higher probability of getting a shoutout, FYI.


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