The Beginning

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The greatest man ever: Hey-o all! Welcome to the group text!

Spangled Man: Who is 'The greatest man ever'?

The greatest man ever: Me!

Spangled Man: Stark, is that you?

The greatest man ever: Maybe...

Spangled Man: Please change your name, Stark!

Billionaire: Fine. You happy?

Spangled Man: only if you show me how to change my name.

HAWKWARD: Tony, did you make a group text?

Billionaire: maybe...

Steve: that's better. Don't EVER call me Spangled Man EVER again, or I'll knock you out with my shield.

HAWKWARD: Why is my name 'HAWKWARD'?

Billionaire: I just might've hacked all of your devices and changed all your username's to what I please... Just maybe...

Steve: Tony! Who else did you invite on here?

Billionaire: All the Avengers... With a few others...

Clint: Haha! You may be able to change my username, but I have the ability to change it back!

Billionaire: Yeah, we all knew that.

Steve: Tony, change your name to 'Tony' or 'Stark' please.

Clint: I love how you say 'Please'!

Tony: fine, party pooper!

Steve: I do not poop at parties! Why does everyone keep saying that?

Spidey-Widey: Clint, Banner wants to check your heart rate before you begin.

Clint: To late, I already started.

Steve: Are you working out?!

Clint: maybe... And why is Natasha's name 'Spidey-Widey'?

Nat: there, I changed it. Stark, you don't wanna get on my bad side, so DO NOT change my username ever again!

Tony: Okey-dokey!

Steve: Where is everyone else?

Clint: Banner is with me, we are doing an experiment with Cardiovascular Fitness of some sort.

Tony: Pepper and Vision are with me.

Nat: Thor is in Asgard and Wanda is visiting Pietro at the hospital.

Steve: Okay, I got to go guys, my roommate is waiting for me to turn on the TV.

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