Chapter 2/EDITED

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After watching season 1 of Riverdale Keith finally got up from the couch,his stomach growling."Hey Nina,does some Panda Express sounds cool?" Keith just got a meow as a response "I'll take that as a yes" Keith then went and put his shoes on taking a coat since it was cold outside and the keys to the apartment they lived in "I'll be back nina,don't destroy anything" after saying that he closed the door and made his way to Panda Express.

Keith ordered the usual stuff,some chow mei and orange chicken with some teriyaki and rice.
[a/n:my favorite meal is actually chow mei and orange chicken]

After ordering he made his way back home where nina was waiting for him.Keith looked around while walking home,admiring the silence and beautiful lights that were simple yet mesmerizing.October was near and tho December was far he could already feel the cold building up.When Keith got home he left everything down expect his food and sat on the couch again,this time eating and watching a movie on Netflix.


"Keith honey were ho-" Keith mother- Vanessa was cut of as she saw his younger son sleeping on the couch with the tv on and Nina sleeping ontop him."Yo kei-" "shhhhh" Vanessa shushed shiro when he entered,she then motion him to carry Keith to his bedroom,Shiro did so taking Keith carefully not waking him up and putting him in his bed Nina following Shiro and hoping beside sleeping Keith.

Meanwhile in the McLain household,they were all having dinner In the table,you expected that a family dinner is eating while talking like normal humans but that isn't the case for lance sibling since they weren't human.

Lea,Lance youngest Sister who age is only 4 was crying at throwing food at Carmen- Lance's Mother- face while  David (age 5) and Marcos (age 6) played with their toys instead of eating their food.Alexander and Alexandra,the twins (age 10) were arguing about something that happen in their class and finally Only Mia (age 6),Emilia (age 14) and Lance ate their food like normal humans.

"WOULD EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?!?!" Lances screamed with an irritated face.Everyone in the table just stood quiet looking at him

Till all the kids started crying and he got yelled by his Sister Emilia and his mother Carmen.Lance just left with his food to his room closing the door and eating in the floor.

After a while the McLain house hold was finally quiet since almost everyone was asleep,Lance instead was studying for his exam hearing some tracks from musicals in his phone,he then fell asleep drooling all over his notebook


Beep beep beep beep beep bee-

Lance slowly got up stoping his alarm,yawning and stretching as he opens his eyes to look at his phone.It was 5:30 in the morning.As Lance went downstairs he could smell from the kitchen coffee and bacon being made

"Morning Alejandra" Lance said smiling at his maid Alejandra who was like a 2nd mother to him,he knew her all his life.

"Oh! Good morning mijo,I didn't heard you coming down! What are you doing up so early?" She ask looking at him over her shoulder as she cooked breakfast."Just trying to escape the morning chaos from the demons here" Lance sighed "well those demons are you siblings that you need to take care off,no complaining" Alejandra softly laugh when she served Lance breakfast while he look for a cup of coffee,He mumble a short thanks before sitting down and chewing down his breakfast

Lance had faith this day was gonna be more peaceful

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