Chapter eight: don't mess with him

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Ⓣhursday morning wasn't as bad as Yoongi thought it would be. When he woke up, he suspected he'd have to hurry out of the house to avoid his elder brother, but he was already gone by the time he woke up. He even asked his parents, and they told him he had an extra early class, as he was in his first year of studying at a university.

It meant he had time to be alone with his parents, having a normal, loving family morning.

"What do you want to eat honey?" his mother asked as she was preparing food for Mr Min as he sat in the lounge with his laptop on the table, writing in the speed of light, which Yoongi figured was for his work.

"I'll just grab some cereal," Yoongi said as he stood beside her, about to grab a bowl, but she didn't let him finish.

"Nonsense. I know you never make proper food when your dad and I aren't home, let alone Seunggi who's a terrible cook. Let me make you something good, and healthy." 

Yoongi sighed as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Then an omelette? Is that good enough?"

Mrs Min grinned cheekily. "An omelette on the way," she announced proudly as she started cooking.

Yoongi played with his fingers as he was thinking of something that hadn't left his mind since yesterday, but he couldn't find to pick up the courage to ask his mother; he was embarrassed nevertheless. "Mom?" he finally asked, earning a soft hum from the woman. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course dear," she said softly as she smiled at him with a quick glance as she was making his omelette with some vegetables.

"Could I, er... invite a friend over for dinner today?" he asked embarrassed. He felt himself blush when his mother had stopped cooking, only to look at her son with a wide grin. "You mean that Park Jimin boy?" she asked excitedly.

"Uhm, yeah. Will Seunggi be here for dinner?"

"No, he said he'd be late today, probably till nine in the evening or so," she told him.

"So, can my friend come over then?"

His mother beamed with laughter. "Of course he can, honey. I'd be happy to cook a delicious dinner for all us four, yeah?"

Yoongi nodded, not being able to hide his happy smile. Then it was settled: he was going to ask Jimin to join him for dinner today.

When the raven-haired male arrived at school, it wasn't as late as yesterday, and the school was already filled with students. Jimin wasn't in sight yet though, but he didn't want to admit to himself he was the first person he was looking for when arriving. The school was a place to study, not spend time with his friend.

But he still wanted to see him; to know he was going to keep him company throughout the day.

"Looking for me?" asked a sudden voice from behind the human when he was bringing out his psychology and music book he'd have before lunch.

He jumped slightly, not realising the angel was behind him before, and therefore avoided his gaze to avoid his slight blush on his cheeks. "No," he lied as he shut his locker.

"I could swear I saw your eyes wander all over the place as if searching for someone," he teased as he poked his chest lightly.

"You're imagining things," Yoongi scoffed, embarrassed, and then started walking.

"Wait for me, I need my books too," Jimin told him, and surprisingly Yoongi stopped immediately, waiting for the angel to bring out his own books as well, though he didn't actually need them. "Wow, you waited," he chuckled surprised.

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