"Change of Choice"

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If Adair's choice had been different, would the chosen be changed? And why does an artist need a room full of spoons, anyway? 

(This was inspired by the two prompts "Four people are shown where the made the biggest decision of their lives and what would happen if they had chosen differently" and "Your OC has the chance to go back in time and change something in their past. Do they take it?" This short story would take place somewhere during the trilogy. I consider this canon because Adair probably would ask this of Blythe. Feren was introduced in an earlier short story, so if you're curious about him, check out "Rising to a Challenge.") 

"What exactly do you mean by 'can you see a different me?' Did you do some of your weird illusion weaving again?" Blythe squinted as she looked Adair over. "You don't look any different. Maybe a few extra paint stains since this morning. Or is that pie filling?"

Adair scooped up some of the questionable splotch with his finger and put it in his mouth. Belatedly he realized this could be a bad move, but to his relief it wasn't paint. "Jelly."

Blythe covered her face with her hand. "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. So what was your question about?"

Adair wiped his hand on his shirt, adding more stain to a piece of clothing already overdue for the trash bin, and found he couldn't meet her gaze. He knew his request was going to sound foolish because Blythe rarely cared what other people thought. He usually didn't either. Just about this and only because... he looked over at Etri who was too engrossed by the book in his hands to pay any attention to the conversation going on not five feet away. Etri was the one the horrible words were usually directed towards. Adair didn't really care when someone said he was a failure as an Artisan; he'd heard it for most of his life. He was nontraditional and he'd ended up with nontraditional muses. The other Artisans didn't approve of this. Blythe and Etri were carnival performers and to top it off, both were Adair's sentinel. There was no rule saying an artist couldn't have two bodyguards as their spouses, but it was all about tradition. Two artists were bound to one bodyguard. That was how it was done. That was how it had always been done.

So the other Artisans- and more than a few sentinels who were insulted by carnies having the same status they did- didn't hide their disapproval. Etri, who was unusually tall, pale, and foreign, got the brunt of this. Blythe, as a local who trained as an ordinary guard before becoming a performer and healer, at least looked the part. She was also likely to out-snide anyone who tried to sass her. Etri, on the other hand, never said much. He didn't have to. Adair could sense Etri's anger and frustration through their link. So could Blythe, which is likely why she had so little patience for rude comments. Now that Adair thought about it, her knee-jerk response to Etri feeling hurt probably didn't help matters.

All this was the reason for the request Adair wanted to make of Blythe. He was pretty sure he'd made the right choice. His pair of sentinels felt right, inside his head or his heart or wherever it was his weaving linked to them. Still, a part of him couldn't help fearing that maybe the naysayers were right. If he'd chosen tradition instead of his own path, would he have ended up with "normal" muses? If his choice had been different, would the chosen be changed?

Adair's mind made up, he looked into Blythe's dark, worried eyes. "You learned how to read memories and predict actions, right? Can you tell me what would have happened if I did something different? If I was something different?"

Blythe held out her hand and brushed Adair's forehead with her thumb."I can try. If I do this, will you promise to not taste-test paint in the future?"

Adair fully trusted Blythe inside his head and so let his eyes close. "I only did that because I thought it was-"


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