CHAPTER 7 - Blu is the Most Loyal Color and Cat

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I didn't know how long it has been since I was hit by that car, it feels like weeks, I believe it has only been few days, but I was getting better at remembering simple human etiquette and crap. Like how to run and walk and speak and eat and all that. Lotor let me roam around his home more freely, except, I wasn't allowed to go outside, I couldn't even get close to the windows or open the door for fresh air. It wasn't all that bad, Lotor had a piano and he would play songs for me. When he went out I would play around with the keys and just tap them and make a song that made sense in my own mind.

I keep having the same dream over and over every single night. About those headlights, and somebody screaming my name. I would wake up when they screamed my name. LANCE! LANCE! It haunted me. I wanted to know more about what it meant, I didn't wanna ask Lotor, I didn't think he would understand, I had gained some trust in him and saw him as a gentleman.

My stomach growled, I went into the kitchen, it was so clean, Lotor had me clean the kitchen and some parts of the house while he was gone, and somedays he would do it instead of me. I went into the cupboard and found a ramen noodle cup. I shrugged and took that out. I poured hot water into it, and sat down. As I ate the noodles, I heard a scratching at the door.

"Who's there?" I asked, I wasn't supposed to answer the door, but I got up and looked through the peephole. I didn't see anyone. That's weird, I could've sworn I heard something. I heard the scratching again, and slowly opened the door. I looked down and saw a little cat scratching the door. Without thinking, I picked up the cat and closed the door quickly.

"Hey there little fella," I cooed, "Whatcha doing here?" She had a blue collar on. There was something in the cat's mouth, I placed the cat on the floor and she put what was in her mouth on the floor. I crouched down and picked it up.

"What's this?" I observed it, a purple necklace with a heart hanging from it. I tilted my head down and found the cat purring and rubbing herself against my feet.

"Blu?" I whispered silently, she looked up and meowed. I put down the necklace and picked her up.

"I remember you!" I exclaimed, I was so excited, I remembered something that wasn't an action or object. Blu licked my face and purred. Oh shit, we don't have any cat food here, will cat's eat ramen noodles? Or maybe I could ask Lotor to pick up some cat food.

I heard the door unlock, it was Lotor, I quickly put down Blu and she ran into the room where I slept.

"Lance I'm home!" Lotor called, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and waved.

"How was work?"

"It was, interesting," He paused, "How was your day?"

"My day was good, I remembered something important!" Lotor paused after I said that.

"Really?" He looked concerned, "What did you remember darling?"

"I remembered that I," I stopped, "I like the smell of cat food..." I trailed off, I was having second thoughts about telling Lotor about Blu, he would know I opened the door.

"The smell of cat food?"

"Yah, and so I was gonna ask if you could pick some up...?" I felt so awkward, but it was to feed Blu.

"Well, alright then I'll go pick some up right now..." Lotor walked out the door and sighed in relief. I sighed in relief as well. I can't tell Lotor about Blu.

I looked over at the necklace and took it into my room. I locked the door and found Blu asleep on my bed.

"Hey girl, you wouldn't happen to talk and tell me what this is right?" I whispered, hoping not to wake up Blu. I stood in front of a mirror on the wall and put the necklace on. The light reflected off of the heart and it shone beautifully.

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