CHAPTER 4 - Waking In an Empty Head

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"Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance!" Lance? Who's Lance? That was all I heard. My eyes opened and I could see a green room. Where am I? Wait, who am I? I saw a figure, standing before me, he was holding my hand tightly.

"Oh Lance thank the stars you're alright!" He called. Who are you? I couldn't remember who he was.

"Who are you?" I inquired, he tsked and kissed my forehead. What is he doing?

"You don't remember me? How could you forget your own boyfriend!" He cried, I truly did not recognize him.

"It's me, Lotor! Don't you remember!" Lotor... I had forgotten who he was. I was so vulnerable. I was so, so, vulnerable dammit.

"No, I don't know who you are, why am I here?" I was so full of questions. Lotor pressed his finger on my lips and cried dramatically;

"Oh of course you don't remember, you were hit with that car and you hit your head! Don't worry, it's a small case of amnesia, we can fix that." Hit with a car? I was incredibly confused.

Something came back to me in my mind,

"LANCE! LANCE!" I saw the headlights heading towards me. I remembered something, it wasn't much, but I did.

"Those headlights," I started, "Were so bright." The memory replayed in my head.

"It's all over now, Lotor is here to protect you, and remind you of who you are." Lotor whispered, Can I really trust him? I thought, he seems a bit off, but why else would he know who I am and try and take care of me? I was foolish, and like I said before, incredibly vulnerable.

"I got you dressed and made you something." Lotor gave me a bowl of soup, I couldn't tell what was in it. What are those orange bits? I forgot many different things.

"Thank you." I took the spoon, and turned it upside down, and used it to eat the soup. Why isn't this working? I angered myself, I kept trying to use the edge of the spoon to pick up liquid, yah. Lotor took my hand and showed me physically how to use it.

"Like this darling, like this." Lotor treated me like a fucking baby. I have a handle on it now no need to baby me. I ate the soup, and I picked up one of the orange bits, it crunched. Carrots, are beautiful. I thought about carrots, in a plastic bag being carried in the dark. I was lost in thought, where have I seen that before?

"Is something wrong my love?" Lotor looked at me concerned, I looked at him in the eye and told him;

"No nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking, about," I paused, "carrots"

"Carrots? Oh in the soup right?"

"Yes, I had a thought about carrots though, they were in a plastic bag in the dark." At the time, I didn't know what to tell Lotor, I didn't know if he was actually my "boyfriend" he said he was.

"Oh really? Sounds like a wonderful thought," Lotor paused awkwardly, "carrots..."

"Is something wrong with you Lotor?"

"No nothing at all my love." Lotor leaned in to give me a kiss, I backed away into the pillow and made a scrunched face.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lotor pulled back and touched my face softly.

"No, I just don't know what you're doing." He also smells really awful, like, garbage. I covered my nose.

"Also you smell really bad." Lotor was taken back by the comment , he looked at me and got close to my face again.

"What I was going in for, was a kiss my love, it's what couples do to show they love each other." A kiss? That sounded familiar as well.

"When I had my memory, did we 'kiss' a lot?" I inquired. Lotor looked at me with a serious face, which turned to gentle and kind.

"Yes, many a time in fact."

"Did you always have that awful smell?"

"I do not smell awful!" Lotor snapped at me, he breathed heavily and smelt himself, "I smell just fine I don't know what you're smelling!"

"Jeez I don't know what made me fall for you, you're a real stinker."

"For somebody with amnesia, you sure are a smartass, so I guess nothing has changed." Lotor murmured and rubbed my head.

"You used to love me so much, and no you've forgotten who you are my dear Lancey Lance!" Lotor cried dramatically again. Have I really changed that much? If I really fell in love with this guy, I must've seen something that I'm not seeing now. I was so confused, is this really my lover?

I tried to get out of the bed, but I fell to the floor.

"OUCH!" I exclaimed, I certainly haven't forgotten what pain felt like. I forgot how to walk, which was just great.

"Oh darling let me help you!" Lotor ran over quickly to help me get up, he helped me steadily walk again, by having me walk around the room in circles.

"You're doing great love!" Lotor smiled kindly at me and clapped. I felt proud of myself, I was able to walk again.

Lotor gave me a tight hug that hurt my insides. He squeezed me so hard that I started to cough harshly.

"Lotor..." I coughed, "Please, let, go!" He let me go and I dropped to the floor.

"Is that better my love?"

"Were you trying to kill me?" You claim you love me yet you're treating me like a baby and trying to kill me! I stood up and crawled back into the bed. I was tired and out of breath, I had a near death experience my God.

"Try and get some more rest darling ." Lotor walked over to the bed and gave me a kiss on my head.

"Alright, thank you." I whispered, Lotor walked out of the room and turned off the lights. I heard the door lock, I lay in the bed, alone. I started to catch my breath and try to fall asleep. I kept thinking about how he was my supposed lover, I still didn't believe it.

"Maybe I'll remember something good about him when I wake up." I slowly drifted off to sleep. I had a dream, a dream I couldn't control or wake up from.

"Watch out!" I hear myself cry out to somebody. They're moving slowly away from the lights, it's following them, I shove them out of the way, I see the head lights crash into me.

"Lance! Lance! Wake up! Wake-" The voice faded away with a hard bonk. A car engine starts, and I hear muffled speaking.

I woke up in a sweat, I gasped and looked around me, it was just darkness in the empty room. It was, just a dream, just a dream. 

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