CHAPTER 3 - A Night to Forget Love

Start from the beginning

"The carrot sticks in my bag." Keith lifted up the bag and laughed. I growled. Keith giggled softly,

"I'm just joking babe, you know nothing is more beautiful than you." He placed down his grocery bag and kissed me.

"We shouldn't be doing this here, on the side of the road babe." I whispered to Keith, he nodded.

"You're right you're right."

We were close to the apartment, I looked over behind the apartment and saw the pond behind our apartment. I nudged at Keith, he looked over at the pond and smiled at me. We dropped off the groceries in the apartment.

"Wait, we were thinking the same thing when we looked at the pond right?" Keith inquired looking at me.

"I thought you would wanna go night swimming or at least hang around it." I chuckled softly, "What were you thinking?"

"The same thing." Keith and I grabbed our swimming trunks and ran outside to the lake.

We got there and stared out into the dark blue water. The moonlight glimmered against the water, the stars reflecting on it like a painting.

"We can swim in this pond right Lance?" Keith inquired, I shrugged my shoulders, I dipped my feet in the pond. It was cold, but refreshing.

"Well, Pidge said we could swim in it when she came over when we first got the apartment and came out here." I called out to Keith, I signaled for him to come in with me. He slowly approached and put in his feet, he shivered.

"Are you alrig-" Keith pushed me into the water before I could finish my sentence, it was probably only 4 fee. Keith laughed when I sat up in the water, his laugh was so adorable, so I pulled him into the water with me. He landed on top of me, I was softly crushed by him, I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"Even though I can barely see you, I'm sure you're making the cutest face right now." I whispered in Keith's ear, he pressed his finger against my lips and shushed me. He leaned in to kiss me, I grabbed his neck and kissed him before he reached me.

Keith started to kiss my neck, I tried to hold back a moan, but I let it out. I covered my mouth and Keith stopped.

"Sorry Lance I didn't mean to-" I kissed Keith before he finished.

"Don't be sorry, keep going please." He continued kissing my neck, he went down towards my chest and rubbed my nipples.

Ah-ah I moaned softly, mmm yah right there, my body stimulated as Keith brought his hand down even further. Keith pressed his knee against my groin, he started to move his knee in a circular motion. I moaned a little louder, I felt his hand going lower towards that area. He looked up at me and moaned;

"Is it alright, if I do this?" I looked at him, blushing and madly in love, then I thought, should we really do it here? I didn't wanna disappoint Keith.

"If you don't want to we don't have to." I could tell Keith didn't want to do anything we would possibly regret. As I was about to answer, a bright light was shone on us.

"HEY YOU 2!" The voice called, Keith and I hid our faces, "YOU CAN'T BE OUT HERE FUCKING THIS IS PUBLIC PROPERTY!" My heart started to pound and I did the responsible thing.

"LET'S FUCKING RUN!" I grabbed Keith and we dashed out of the pond, the guy chased after us with his flashlight.

"We can't go back to the apartment or he'll catch us there!" Keith exclaimed, I was almost out of breath and the guy wasn't too far behind us, screaming about how immature we are for running.

We ran to a nearby a park and hid behind the playset. He ran past, still screaming;

"WHERE DID YOU FUCKERS GO?!" He kept running and running. Keith and I stayed there until we couldn't hear him scream anymore. I was heavily breathing, I was also really sweaty.

"I think he's gone." Keith whispered, we stepped out from behind the playset and sat on one of the benches.

"That was fucking intense," I started "We literally got caught while trying to fuck" Keith laughed and rubbed my head.

"I bet you could never forget that" Keith grinned, I put my arm around him and kissed him. It really was intense, like we could've been charged with a fine or some shit.

"Should we do it again?"

"Lance do you wanna get caught again."

"Yah but now I'm scared and horny" Keith pushed me back jokingly and we both chuckled.

"How about we finish this back in the room hm?" Keith seductively rubbed his hand down my chest and played with my hair.

"Sounds like a great idea, nobody can tell us we can't do it, in our own room." We both got up and headed back to the apartment.

We held hands walking back to the apartment, we talked and admired the sky, the stars were so perfectly scattered, they lit up Keith's eyes, they sparkled and shone.

"We're almost back, I didn't realize how far we had ran!" I said out of breath, I just stared at Keith. On our way we had to cross over the road. I checked to see if any cars were coming, there was nothing but darkness and black.

"After you my fair prince Lance" Keith bowed, I chuckled;

"Why thank you sir Keith the admirable." I swiftly and gayly walked across the road and I laughed. I wish I hadn't laughed. I stood on the road almost across, when I signaled Keith to come over, I also wish I hadn't done that too.

He walked over to me, but out of no where, car headlights appeared, frozen in front of Keith, like it had been there, the whole time, waiting for him. The car started and drove fast into Keith, he ran across the street, but the car followed him, almost like, it was trying to kill him. As it came closer I shoved Keith out of the way and. And. And. And. Nothingness.

Before my life flashed before my eyes, someone got out of that car, and hit Keith, I couldn't do anything, my head hit the ground.


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