A Story only I didn't know

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She snuck inside the house around midnight and went straight to her room. She didn't want to hear the oh so beautiful and touching story about how fucking Lunita turned out to be Sol Benson, she already had an awful today to add that on top of it.

She tried to fall sleep but failed miserably. Everything that had happened kept running in her mind.

It was funny really, how everything went so well for Luna, it seemed like she was the goodie goodie hero of a cheap corny soap opera; she was poor and now has millions, two guys being in love with her and a group of people that act like she's the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile Ámbar was just there rotting in her room, abandoned by her godmother, hated by the entire world for the only thing she actually never meant to do and waiting for Luna and her now grandpa to kick her out of the house. Of course they wouldn't do that because they we're too kind for it and that irked her to no end plus a part of her really wished they would so she will never see their faces again.

She knew they would let her stay out of pity only not because they gave a damn about her. Her now ex grandpa didn't even cared about her when he thought she was his granddaughter much less now that she's nothing to him.

She's nothing to everyone.

Ámbar didn't realize where time went but between starting at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world and thinking of how messed up her life was it became morning.

A few knocks in her door sounded around 10 am:

-Ámbar are you there? -her now ex grandpa asked.

She didn't want to do this. Not now nor ever. But she has to, she can't hide forever. She wished she could.

-Yes. Come in. -she replied and mentally prepared for what was coming to her.

The door opened and she held her breath.

-Hey there kiddo! -the old man smiled at her and her heart trembled. -Can I sit?

-Of course -he sat next to her and she gave him her usual fake smile.-How can i help you?

-I need to tell you something and we decided it was best do it now instead of waiting.

-We? -she knew who he was talking about and that made her blood boil.

-Luna and I -she resisted the urge to roll her eyes when she saw the smile that formed on her ex grandpa's lips at the mention of that name.

-What is it about grandpa -she tried to sound worried.

-Your aunt lied to us and I'm sorry to tell you this... -Oh yes here it comes; she thought. -You're not Sol Benson darling -she felt sick.

He held her hand with his and she desesperately wanted to drop it off.

She remembered when that woman that called herself her mother came to the Jam & Roller and told her the same thing and her whole world fell apart.

-It doesn't mean I don't love you anymore, You're my granddaughter and you will always be and I will always love you.

She wanted to scream. Scream that she knows he doesn't mean it, that he is just saying this because he feels sorry for her;the poor orphan with no family at all. She wanted to cry.

-If it's not me then who is. -her voice sounded as broken as she was. She knew the answer to this but had to play the fool if she didn't want to be homeless but right now she wanted that more than hearing what he was about to say.

-It's Luna -as soon as those words left his mouth she took her hand off his. She saw he was still talking maybe explaining how he find out about it but she blocked the sound of his voice. She tried her best to space out to a better place in her mind where her life was good and happy but everything there was just darkness and painful screams.

She couldn't do it anymore.

-Would you leave please? I'm not feeling well. -she muttered and the pain in her voice was cristal clear.

-I understand but you need to know that i...

-Please -her voice was now a tiny whisper and she was afraid if he stayed longer he would see her breaking down crying. She couldn't let that happen.

-Okay -he stood up and her eyes were itching for the tears so she looked away.

She knew he was gone when he heard the door close. She wanted to cry and scream her heart out. It was now official to everybody that she was a nothing. An abandoned kid; first for her biological mother and now for the woman who took care of her.

The pain in her chest became unbearable and she couldn't hold it anymore. The tears started to roll down her cheeks and the tears became sobs and the sobs became more painful by second and then everything went dark.

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