Chapter Eight

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I've ridden in a number of medi-vac helicopters. They're fully equipped for handling the gravest cases of injury and sudden illness, truly an Emergency Room in the air.  But I'm also aware of their limited space and at no time during my work as an EMT have I ridden in one that accepted non-affected passengers other than perhaps one immediate family member to ride with the victim and give the attendants on board information vital to stabilizing the patient.

Undoubtedly it's Jared's status that granted us a very big exception this time, rather than the fact that I've been treating him. I could've easily given the attending medics the information they needed prior to their departure rather than in-flight.

What amazes me even more is that Shannon is obviously the one who name-dropped on our behalf. When the EMT's entered the hut, it was already decided that Shelby and I were to board with Jared and Shannon, and Shannon, who'd gone with Shelby to meet the crew, is the only one who could've possibly advocated for that exception to the traditional rule.

Shelby is less than enthusiastic about the flight. From the sophisticated medical equipment of the interior, the loud noise of the engine, to the high-pitched whine and jerk as we left the ground, she's wide-eyed and fearful.

"It's okay," I keep telling her as she clings to me, trembling. "I've ridden in these lots of times. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Shannon's on the floor with his back resting against an EKG machine. He's trying to stay out of the EMTs' way as they examine Jared, taking his vitals, asking questions about his fall and the snakebite. Shannon's got his phone in his hand, studying the screen, casting furtive glances at Jared as he's being worked on.

A gust of wind buffets the chopper slightly, and Shelby whimpers. "Shhh," I soothe her, wrapping my free arm around her. Jared's got my other hand in a firm grip as the splint is carefully untied and removed from his battered and discolored leg.

Shannon looks up from his phone. "Hey, Shelby," he says. "Have you ever played Candy Crush?"

"Huh?" Shelby turns her face from where it's buried in my side to look at Shannon. Another gust of wind jolts the helicopter and quickly she turns away again, clinging even tighter to me.

"Would you want to come over here and play this game?" Shannon asks her. His eyes meet mine and to my amazement, he gives me a half smile and a wink. "I'm afraid I'm not very good at it," he explains.

"Understatement of the year. You suck, bro," Jared says. He turns his brilliant, though pain-filled gaze to Shelby. "You know what, Shelby? I bet you'll kick his butt, even if you've never played Candy Crush before."

Shelby looks up at me, uncertainty in her eyes. I nod and say, "Go show him how it's done, kiddo."

"But I don't even know what he's talking about," she whispers.

"It's a game," I explain. "On his phone. You know, like Pokemon Go on Hannah and Grace's phones. Remember you girls playing that at home? You were really good at it."

Shannon grins. "Hey, I have Pokemon Go, too. Think we'll catch some up here?"

"Maybe," Shelby says tentatively. Slowly, she eases away from me and carefully steps around Jared's stretcher and the EMT's, making her way to Shannon where he's sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Have a seat," he offers, indicating his lap. After a second of hesitation, she sits and takes the offered phone. Over her head, Shannon again smiles and winks at me.

Within minutes Shelby's forgotten where she is and the occasional wind gusts rocking the helicopter don't seem to bother her at all. She and Shannon catch a few Pokemon, and then when they're bored with that, he opens Candy Crush. Soon, she's relaxed and laughing, and yes, beating Shannon right and left.

Untouchable ~ A Jared Leto/MARS FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ