Chapter 4: Project Anna

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" Look! It says 5 years after it means she's the same age at me" Henry said

" Yes... And we have to find out what happen to her for this all five years" Emma mutter recalling that her daughter survive the serum and died a little while which also make her heart died watching the scene.

" Do you think she survive the serum because she is the saviour daughter?" Ruby ask

" That's maybe the reason. I mean the others died and she is the only one survive which means she's the only exception" Rumple answer as the scene appear.

Project Anna
Name: Anna Kendrick
Age:12 yrs old
Eyecolor: Former Emerald green change to blue due to the effect of serum
Ability: Ability to produce wings and telekinesis
Weakness: Unknown

" Project Anna?!" Emma gritted her teeth in anger. Her daughter became a project. what did Dr. Kendrick did?

" So Dr. Kendrick made him an experiment" Regina hum but inside she is seething. How something vile he can do to a child like that?!

Zelena frown watching the scene. This is not what she expected watching this.

And Henry?

" Woah. my sister has wings!? Cool!" He said in awe which make Emma glare harden at the screen. her daughter become an experiment.

Dr. Posen read the files as he watch in the monitor a 12 year old Anna with her white wings. He succeeded. She mutated to something else. She watch as she control her telekinesis and make things float around her while the other scientist examine her progress.

5 years passed and his research changes everything

Anna elevate the things in front of her as she started to loose control. She remember the day she woke up from her illness and supposedly death. Her father never leave her side and took care of her.

She stop her power as the scientist examine her now three grown wings. It all started with her father's death one year ago which make her saddened. Her father death is unknown and her guardian is now Dr. Posen who is his business partner.

" Told you" Regina said matter of factly making all of them except Zelena feown. So Dr. Posen is the start and reason of all of this?

After her father's death. Dr. Posen inject her more serum to maintain her medicine. She is not idiot, she know he's experimenting her but she can't do nothing since she still lost control of her own power. The first time it came out is when her she is injected the second serum and her emotion gone wild causing her emerald eyes to change into blue eyes as little wings sprung at her back.

They watch the screen as she screamed and wings grow at her back and changing of her color. The cry of pain they heard is something they won't forget. The others start to cry at the torture she's taking.

" No" Emma muttered. she can't imagine her daughter going through like this. She expect her to have a normal life. Not like this. 'I'll find you Dr. Posen and kill you for what you done to my daughter' Emma thought as tears freely flow in her eyes.

She's so freaked out that she back away and thrown people away with no idea how she did it. After hours calming down. Dr. Posen explain to her that its the side effect of the serum that injected her when she's sick.

She believe him even she has doubts but she has no choice or she loose control. She is afraid of her own power.

She didn't want this. She want what she have before. Her father and her living normal life not like this.

Zelena, Rumple and Regina understand what she feels. Even them don't like their powers at first since magic comes with a price. which same as the powers.

4 years controlling her power as her wings keep growing along with her body. She can now avoid accident unless her emotion is messed up so she tried to control her emotion, her anger specifically. 4 years of being test subject. She just want to leave this cell world and go outside to see the sun once again.

Its Sunday and its Anna day off. She is homeschool because of her power. She has nothing do but to stare at the necklace her father given her. Its a special necklace from. She remember it when she gave it to him 6 months after she recover.

" This is my gift to you. It will help you and answer everything you need. You just have to be open minded." Her father said. She look at her necklace studying as it look familiar.

Its structure is different like a key but there's something crack in between and when she try to pull it off, it won't pull. So she decide to twist it as it crack and make it pull easily. Her eyes widen as she look at the necklace is now formed a kind of hole with patterns inside. She look at the picture of the pendant, a picture of her and her father, similar as the one in her cabinet. She went to it and lift the picture as she see a line of box. In the cabinet. She press to it as to her shock it slide open and saw a hole with pattern.

They watch in interest at her discovery. Until Zelena scoff

" Wow. After 5 years. she just discover that necklace use. How wonderful" She said sarcastic.

" Well dear sister... Being a test subject for whole five years can take some times so you wanna shut up and I wanna know what the key is for" Regina remark making Zelena growl. Damn her. if she only have magic with her.

"What the hell?" She mumble as she insert the hole and to her shock. The drawer moved aside and open a new door making her jaw drop.

" Cool..." she whisper in awe. Her father make her a secret storage for her.

" Can we now go to next scene so we can finish it immediately?" Belle ask excited wanting to know what's in the storage.



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