Chapter 2: To Watch the Present

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They  all sat  back as the screen suddenly lit up and a video appear where in the screen show the date.

May 2012

" Looks like he's showing us the present." Rumple hum as the screen black out and start another scene.


Italics -Scene
Normal- Comments

The screen appear in abandoned building where the woods are creeking. Mens holding a gun and looking outside for the intruder. They are all wearing in suit.

But what's in the center is a woman sitting in the wooden chair with her hands tied in the arms of the chair. Her  brunette hair is messy but she still manage to look beautiful and her demeanor is calm as she watch with amusement as the men pacing around her guarding her like a dog.

When they caught the glimpse of a woman face shocking them. She has brunette hair, with blue with slight green eyes but her chin and smug smile is same as Emma. They know instantly that its Emma daughter and Henry twin sister. But the thing that question their mind is she is the same age of Emma.

But how?

" Emma. She is likely the same age as you!" Ruby gasp looking at Emma who is also in shock

" But how? Its impossible... Is this some kind of joke?" Emma ask incredulously as she watch her supposedly 13 years old daughter who is now same age as her.

" Maybe going back from the start. We will learn what happen to her. As like you said, you never found her here. Maybe this will explain everything" Regina said as she is curious to the woman who is same age as Emma. She expected to see her the same age as Henry.

" Yes. And I want to know why her hair is brown and her eyes supposed to be same as mine?" Emma deadpan. As far as her memory serve, her daughter has blonde hair and emerald eyes but seeing this supposed to be her child wanting her to know what happen to her. She has no doubt its her child according to what Chaos saying since he is the promidal god.

" I think its better to watch what will happen next and from her situation right now. I can say its not good." Gold said as they frown remembering the woman is tied. But why?

The man is irritated as he watch their hostage smug face. They are slightly proud of themselves that they capture her but her calm demeanor irritate him so he approach him. Leaning in front of her

" What's the matter princess? Not afraid of death?!" He sneered irritated at her expression as she chuckle and look at him with her eyes glistening.

" Death? I'm always prepared of death. In fact watching all of you guarding me like a dog. What? Expecting someone to rescue the young maiden me?" She ask amused as the man sneer


" Shut up!" The man sneer. The woman just

" Hey!" The Charmings, Belle and Ruby shouted while Regina frown at the action. No man should never lay a hand to a woman.

" Don't you dare to hurt my sister!/daughter!" Emma and Henry shout. Regina roll her eyes. Don't they realise that they are speaking to the tv and not to real person. But if she where there, she surely make the man eat with fire.

" Hey man. Stop entertaining our hostage. Our boss still needed to meet her" the man said as in cue a man in suit appear in the room

" What is this ruckus about?" The man said. The men straighten and face their boss.

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