But no, she thought as she stomped on, taking her frustrations out on the Fae leaves beneath her feet, he has to be so...so...nice. Her mood remained sour as she finally found Harper, sitting with a group of children playing some kind of rock game.

"There you are, I've been looking for you," Eliana called.

"Done already? I'm surprised your warden let you out." Harper laughed. Blaike, although remaining even toned in his instruction, tended to keep Eliana long hours in training.

"But that's what you get for being a natural." Harper added at the end.

Eliana had taken to the sword as quickly as she had to throwing the knives while at the refuge. Her instincts took over and she seemed to anticipate every move made against her. The only problem was her lack of strength, which Blaike had made his mission to increase.

Harper, on the other hand, was strongly lacking in battle skills. For all of her desire, there was just no talent for sword or bow. She had tried everything when the training first began, spurred on by her feelings of helplessness during the attack suffered from the dark watchers. But try as she might, it was as if she was all thumbs. Every move was clumsy, not able to become one with her weapon as a warrior must be.

"It will come with time and practice." Zolen had assured her. But time was something they did not have. And patience for the hours of practice it would take was something Harper did not have. So she had taken to spending time with the rest of the community, learning their ways. Eliana had to admit, Harper made a pretty good Fae.

"A natural, perhaps. But this whole thing has been a pain in my side and I don't want to think about it anymore tonight." Eliana just wanted a bath and a good book. Something without battles or romance.

"Come with me to the reading room." Eliana requested, wanting to go to the Fae's version of a library. "I need to get my mind off of this for a while."

"You and books always seem to find each other." Harper mused.

"It's relaxing. I want to see if there is something about astronomy here."

"Sheesh! Read a romance or something! How is studying going to relax you?" Harper shoved Eliana as they walked toward the community reading room, which was basically a small home library. The Fae homes were simple, without much adornment or extras. They didn't have many material possessions.  Things like books or games were kept in community buildings.

They found their way to the reading room, and once inside Harper veered off to another section of the building.

"I'm gonna find something lighter to read. You go find your stars and planets and I'll find my next book boyfriend," Harper whispered. Libraries in the Ferlands were still quiet zones.

"Okay, come find me when you're done." Eliana waved her off and went in search of substance.

Twenty books and an hour later, she finally found one with the help of an older Fae. Reading rooms didn't have librarians so she had found a Fae to guide her. Eliana was able to sort through Ferlish history books to find one on their constellations. She had been curious ever since Blaike mentioned some of them on one of their journeys.

"A Star Map" was more than it appeared on the surface. It held a map of constellations, yes. But more importantly, the story behind them was also told. It was eye opening to say the least. Each constellation was based on historical events, rather than mythology as most of the constellations from back home were.

She read about the Healers, a line of four stars, equal distance apart, at least with the naked eye they were. Who knew what the actual distance in light years was. But the story told was one from Ferlish beginnings. There were four Seers, all with equal ability and strength to work with starlight. They lived in four different regions of the land and took care to use the starlight to nourish the land. Each of them possessed a StarStone.

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