Chapter Eighteen

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Song of the chapter – God Is Dead? By Black Sabbath

The clang of swords crashing together had become a type of white noise to Eliana. She had heard nothing else for days on end as training for battle continued. Not an hour after the arrival in the Fae realm, Blaike had called together Fae soldiers and Watchers to begin the harrowing task of war preparations. Led by both himself and Zolen, the combined armies worked to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses, becoming a cohesive unit.

Blaike appointed himself to personally train Eliana, to her utter irritation, and as a result the two spent the better part of each day working one on one. Her frustration at being forced to stand mere inches from him, day after day, had become a handy tool. The emotions gave her enough energy to push forward and defend every blow he laid upon her.

"Your skills have quickly improved. Impressive." He nodded to her. "You won't be so easily overcome next time."

Eliana chortled, "Next time. Last time. What the hell did I even end up in this mess?" She grunted while continuing to match swords with Blaike. "I should be reviewing notes on astroids, studying for tests, writing papers for heavens sake!"

"That is preferable?" Blaike asked in barely veiled surprise.

"At this point? Yes!" Eliana added as she successfully swung the sword with a backhand, enough strength to knock Blaike's hand away.

"Well, what ever it is that you are doing, continue. It has positive results," he said, rubbing his wrist from the force of her blow.

All Eliana could do was grunt, turn and stomp away. She was more than done for the day, for all of the days. Another groan left her lips as the stomping behind her indicated that Blaike was following her. She needed a break from him.

"What is it that goes through your head as you spar?" He asked what seemed on the surface a simple question. But the Pandora's box he was trying to open would not be so simple to explain.

"Nothing," she retorted.

"That is quite untrue. You are holding anger; that is most clear. But for what?"

"You don't want to know," she said through clenched teeth.

"Ah, but I do. Perhaps we can use it to more advantage if it is properly channeled."

Eliana stopped in her tracks, turned and took two steps toward Blaike, bringing her right into his presence. She lifted her chin, looking directly into his eyes. Would she say what she was thinking? Did she dare?

"I am sick of looking at your face." It was close enough to the truth at that point.

"Quite so. As am I of yours," he said with all seriousness, causing a lump to form in her throat. "I wish to see you where you should be; working with the rest of the Seers caring for our land, not here with warriors. That, however, is not the path you are on. Destiny is marching you right up to that Serpent's lair and you must be stronger than she. You must triumph."

Duty. His answers were always about duty. Fine. Eliana nodded her head in understanding, not acceptance. Knowing that Claec sought after her had changed everything. She was a target, but one with a skill that no one else possessed. Eliana would have to face the enemy head on, but she wasn't ready to deal with the consequences. There just didn't seem to be enough time to prepare for the after.

"You are right. Destiny calls," Eliana said after a moment. Then she turned and continued on her path to seek out Harper.

"Spend the evening working with the stones. I shall see you tomorrow after the first meal." Blaike called after her, chaffing her ears with the normality in his voice. Why did he have to be so damn cordial? All the time? She wished he would just fight with her about her attitude, or her skills with the sword, or the way she chewed her food. Something!

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