Chapter 47

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Ok so you might want to sit down for this news.... I am seeing the end of this story.... soon I'm trying to get everything wrapped up by chapter 50 which is possible I have that shit planned out for once. Will there be a sequel.... yes (with a possible love triangle) that is all for now we return to the kinda regularly scheduled story. I'll leave you alone to process.. *hands tissues sets down cookies and boxed set of Riverdale season 1*

(Y/N)s P.O.V
It's days latter and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the events that occurred. Polly still hasn't been found, I'm on lockdown, Betty is beyond stressed, the showcase is sill happening and I'm surprised my parents are even allowing me to participate at this point. I sighed when I sat down in English

"Still thinking about Polly?" Jughead asked
"Yeah I mean I can't believe she just escaped I'm sure it wasn't the greatest place ever but it's probably safer for  her then it is outside." I sighed and Jughead stood up from his desk, walked over to mine and started rubbing my arms
"Hey it's gonna be Polly is going to be found, you found her once, you and Betty can find her again" I nodded
"And on to less stressful topics... well slightly less stressful" I turned around
"What is it?" I asked

"So homecoming is coming up, and your gonna be presenting your artwork there at the showcase there anyways so I figured why not participate for the other half of the event." I smiled
"Are you asking me to homecoming?" I asked
"Does it look like I am?" Jughead said smirking I rolled my eyes
"Well if you were asking me I would say yes" Jughead smiled and kissed me on the check before sitting back in his spot.

Over lunch I was sitting in the student lounge with everyone
"You still haven't found her?" I asked Betty who may have looked like her regular self I could tell that she was stressed, the bags under her eyes were a sign that she wasn't sleeping well probably worrying about Polly and where she might be.
"No and I'm worried about her. What if she got hurt? What if she's lost?" I put my hand on her shoulder
"Hey it's going to be ok,Polly is no stranger to Riverdale, she knows the area. Is there any place that she would have gone when she was mad or upset or she just wanted to be alone when she was younger?" Whatever I said must have given Betty a idea because she bolted up
"Of course, thank you (Y/N)" then took off

Bettys P.O.V
I ran home then when I walked in I called out
"Mom? Dad?" I got no response, I knew they were at the register I just wanted to make sure that no one came home early, they have been fighting ever since we came home from Quite Mercy. I walked up to the attic opened the door and walked in whispering

"Polly?" It's me Betty" "Polly?" I walked around them I herd
"Betty?" A voice asked which was identical to Polly's.
"Poll?" I asked then I herd footsteps and there stood Polly.
"Oh thank god" I ran up and hugged her
"I'm so sorry for scaring you Betty"
"No not at all I'm just glad to see you"
"I'm glad to see you too Betty, we really didn't get to talk much before" I nodded remembering the brief conversation I had with Polly revelling her engagement to Jason and how they planned to run away before he died.

"Polly you can't stay up here, it's not safe for you, or the baby" I said concerned
"Mom and Dad don't want me with the baby they would be horrified if I told them I wanted to keep it"
"I'll talk to them, I promise you I'll get you to stay"
"Ok just as long as Dad doesn't schedule me for another appointment"
"What?" I asked
"When Mom and Dad first found our dad offered to book a appointment for me, said he would gladly pay for it." I gasped
"Why would he do that?" I asked
"I don't know Betty" I sighed
"I'll talk to them about it but you are coming home" Polly nodded

The next few days were a blur to me, Polly's secret was exposed to Riverdale, Mom kicked Dad out and welcomed Polly back with open arms and now I'm siting with my friends aching like everything has gone back to normal. We are talking about homecoming, a regular teenage topic and of course in the mids of all this I off course sighed up to be on the committee so now a days I've got my hands full with that.

Veronica was just suggesting a place to start looking for dresses then Cheryl walked up to us. We were silent as Cheryl spoke
"Betty I've herd about Polly being pregnant with J Js baby and in light of this I would like to say I'm sorry about everything I've done and said to all of you. To prove it I would like to offer my fashion expertise and take all three of you girls shopping tomorrow." She gave me, Veronica and (Y/N) a piece of paper
"That's my phone number text me with your response and we will make a group chat to plan out times and locations. Don't worry about transportation I'll be driving Jason's car." (Y/N)' s head perked up at that (Y/N) was always envious of Jason's car. She would always look at in the school parking lot and whenever it was parked at Pops.
"I hope you say yes and give me a chance. I'll see you around" The minute Cheryl walked out of the lodge Jughead asked

"What the hell just happened?"
"I think Cheryl just apologized to us" Archie said (Y/N) looked at me
"What do you want to do? Do you want to give her a chance?" I looked at Veronica
"Well... Veronica was saying how rude she was in New York when we first met and how she was trying to change here, maybe that's all Cheryl is doing, trying to change" we all nodded hopping that was it.
Two chapters in one day though

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