Chapter 17

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Sorry not sorry for low key hating on Archie in this chapter
Archie's P.O.V
I was just coming home it's been a long day and all I wanted to do was lie down with my guitar, maybe write a new song. I was set on that idea and was on my front step about to turn the knob on my door then I herd a voice.

"Hey Archie" I turned around there was (Y/N) leaning against a pole with her arms crossed
"(Y/N)! What are you doing out? It's getting late"

I know the exact reason why she was out she wanted to talk to me alone she's been wanting to do it since she came back so she can tell me what a ass I've been to Jughead I can tell it's coming.

"I was at Pops actually" she uncrossed her arms and I noticed straps on her shoulders she pulled one of them down and reached behind her to bring her bag close. She took out her notebook as proof that she was actually out and not stalking me

"Jughead with you?" I asked nervous about her being out by herself after dark especially what happened with Jason.
"He was, he just went in not to long ago against his best wishes though he was insistent that he walk me home. After I said I was waiting for you and wanted to talk he finally went in. Probably watching me making sure nothing happens to me."
"He cares about you" I said
"I know" she smiled

"You didn't come here to talk about Jughead didn't you?" I asked
"No I didn't" she stopped smiling and took a deep breath
"Over the summer you and Jughead planned on going on a road trip, on that trip we had planned for you guys to stop by my hometown, pick me up and I would join you the rest of the trip until you drive back home and drop me off on the way back to Riverdale. That very trip you canceled on, at the last minute is there something you want to tell me?" She had that same look of anger at me as she did at Chuck a few days ago

"I... got busy... with working with my dad well for my dad at his construction site"
"That's funny because I called your dad to see if the trip would interfere with your job and your dad said it wouldn't be a problem, that he would gladly give you time off so you could go on a road trip with us. So stop lying Archie and tell me"

"I can't it's over now but it's something that I can't tell you or could never tell you"
"Does Jughead know?"
"Yes and I asked him to keep it a secret don't be mad at him Betty and Veronica know too"
"I'm not, I'm mad at you for not trusting me with your secret that's so important everyone else knows but me"

That's all she said before walking away towards her home. Damn it! I slammed the door and ran up to my room. Jughead was there in his laptop

"Something happen?"
"(Y/N) happened she's mad at me"
"Did you do something?" He looked up from his laptop
"Did you hurt her" he asked
"What? No! Jug I would never"
"Then what happened?" He asked
"She was wondering about this summer, why I bailed"

"Oh" Jughead said and looked back down at his laptop
"That's it oh no "oh it's ok Arch I'll talk to her and make her understand" Jughead laughed

"Archie I don't even understand but it doesn't matter you have to fix things with (Y/N) I can't change her mind and you know that" I sighed before falling back on my bed
"Why are girls so complicated?"
"Is that why you went for a teacher instead" I looked at him
Jughead was silent for the rest of the night while I strummed my guitar and thought about what (Y/N) said.
Sorry the timeline is slow and messed up it's like if someone took the footage of the season moved it around and played it at half the speed. Plot coming I swear there's little clues and pieces that will all come together eventually. Probably should focus on the dead teenager too oops sorry Jason

Look Who's Back In Town Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora