Chapter 5

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(Y/N) P.O.V
For the past couple days since I started school Jughead has always picked me up. I decided to mix it up a bit and be the one standing at the front door. I got up extra early and headed out the door and made my way to the Andrews house.

When I rang the door it wasn't Jughead or Archie that answered the door but rather Mr Andrews.
"(Y/N)! It's great to see you back"
"Thanks Mr. Andrews is Jughead here?"
"Yeah he's just upstairs come in."

He stepped aside so I could step in the Andrews house and closed the door behind me. I looked around observing the house and seeing if any changes were made since the last time I visited but it's the exact same. It wasn't long after that I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey Jughead" I said from the bottom of the steps
"(Y/N) hey" he seemed surprised understandable I did show up unannounced.
"I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together."
"Yeah of course but I usually swing by your house."
"Well I got a early start today." 
"Let's go then." he took my hand and opened the door we both said goodbye to Mr Andrews then he closed the door.

Archie's POV
I woke up then looked at my clock. Shit I was running late why didn't Jughead wake me up?? I got dressed as fast as I could and ran downstairs

"By dad I'm gonna be late."
"Have a good day son and when did (Y/N) come back?"
"A few days ago why?" I asked as I shrugged on my jacket.
"No reason just surprised you didn't bring it up, she showed up and left with Jughead."
"Well their close dad anyway talk to you later" I shut the door before he could say anything and practically ran to school.

(Y/N) P.O.V
I was siting in the student lounge with Jughead the rest of our friends should be showing up any minute.
"So did you have any plans for Friday?" I asked.

"Well the drive in is closed so that's out but we can still go see a movie if you want."
"Sounds fun ohh maybe we could have a horror movie marathon." we both started smiling at the idea.
"Perfect" he replied.
"So Friday it is, my house, 7 now the question is what do we start with" I wondered.

"We could either go by release date or alphabetically" I thought his idea over but only for a second as I saw  Veronica coming over.

"What are you two up to?" Veronica asked
"Planning our horror movie marathon" Jughead replied.
"Yeah Chez (Y/L/N) is the best place to have one" I replied sarcastically.

"Well there was that one time you tried to convince me your room is haunted" Jughead reminded me.
"I'm still convinced it is" I replied with no hint of sarcasm or joke in my voice.
"I'll have to be on lookout then" Jughead said with a smirk.

I smiled and felt myself blush slightly at the thought of Jughead in my room. Even though it's happened countless times this was different, we were older and Archie or Betty weren't there. Us three carried on conversation then Archie and Betty arrived and joined. Everyone parted for class when the bell rang and I headed off to class with Betty. 

After class I headed to my locker and as I was getting out and dropping off books for my final class the door suddenly shut on me. When I turned to see who shut it it was none other then Chuck Clayton.

"Well well well look who's back"
"The same should be said for you expect I didn't leave because I was degrading girls now excuse me I have to get to class or are you gonna write me down in one of your score books too."  I turned around to leave but Chuck grabbed my wrist, it wasn't strong so I managed to pull out of it.

"Don't you dare lay your hand on me again"  he put his hands up in mock surrender.
"hey I was just trying to be friendly maybe ask you out on a date" I scoffed.
"Even if I didn't hear about what you did I still wouldn't go out with you your reputation precedes you Chuck." I started to walk away.

"So does yours" I turned around
"Excuse me?"
"Come on Y/N your not exactly vrgin Mary either." I walked up to him.
"Ok first of all that is none of your business second of all how did you know that."
"I have my sources."
"So what your gonna try and blackmail me? Newsflash Chuck people don't care who and who isn't a vrigin as long as you don't sleep with other peoples boy or girlfriends."

"Really not even Jughead? I mean we all know you were trailing after him like a puppy before you left how would he feel if he found out you got over him the moment you left." I felt my hands curl.
"Me and Jughead never even dated why would he care?" Chuck then laughed.

"Oh my god you are both so clueless you didn't get to see him when you left moping around for so long it's clear he's in love with you, you just got over him and left him in the mud." I raised my hand to slap him but I felt a hand grab my wrist stopping me. I turned around to see who it was and it was Archie.
"Get out of here Chuck or I'll let go."

Chuck left leaving me and Archie.
"Why did you stop me?" I asked now angry at him
"Because I didn't want to see you get detention on your first week back." I turned around and saw Chuck walking down the hall to his class.
"Why is he back? Shouldn't he have gotten expelled for what he did?"
"Probably? I looked back at Archie "Is that all you have to say? Probably?"
"Look Betty and Veronica tried and they got him suspended isn't that enough? He got consequences."
"Yeah but not enough."

I walked was from Archie before he got a chance to say anything else. Chuck Clayton deserved to pay for what he did and not just him everyone who wrote something down in that stupid list.

That took a unexpected turn also holy shit thanks for all the votes this story has revived while I deal with a writers block on how to make this story interesting.

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