Chapter 2

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Jugheads POV
Archie was watching me as I was straightening out my shirt trying to get rid of any wrinkles I could see him smirking from the reflection in the mirror.

"What are you smirking at?"
"You, I've never see you take 10 minutes to pick a shirt much less make it look presentable what's going on?" I didn't want to tell him that (Y/N) is back yet the minute she sees him she will go all doe eyed at that stupid smile of his and fall for him like every other girl.

"Nothing now lets go" I grabbed my backpack before heading out the door I couldn't see it but I could tell he was shaking his head at me.

Archie's POV
Jug has been acting weird all day the classes we share, whenever someone would walk in before and during class he would shoot his head up then it would go back down again to his work.

I must have been deep in thought because I didn't even hear my friends around down next to me during lunch until I herd a voice.
"Hello? Earth to Archiekins."
"What? Oh Ronnie, Betty, Kevin, hi"
"What's wrong?" Betty asked.

"Nothing Jughead is just acting weird today."
"Weirder then normal?" Veronica said.
"It took him 10 minutes to get dressed today he almost didn't wear his hat."
"Yeah that's weird" Kevin agreed.

"Maybe he wants to look good for someone," Veronica suggested all three of us just looked at her as if she just suggested the impossible.
"What your telling me Jughead has never dated anyone ever?" Betty turned to her friend.
"V Jughead is really not a people person I don't see him being in a relationship with someone it's just not him"
"It's true" I agreed.

"Oh.. my god guys I think I just figured it out" Kevin said while turning his head away from us,
"What?" We all asked while turning our heads in his direction there was Jughead sitting down at a table.....with (Y/N) that explains it.
"Oh... my.. god..." me and Betty said.
"What who's that? What am I missing?" Veronica asked clearly out of the loop.
"That's (Y/N) Jugheads best friend..." Betty started.
"Sorry Archie but it's true anyway they grew up together they did everything together then she moved near the end of last year no one thought she was gonna come back. It crushed Jughead."

"So why don't we invite them to sit with us?" Veronica asked then she stood up and walked towards them. We all looked at the conversation that was being taken place, Veronica seemed to be her usual welcoming self (Y/N) nodded at whatever she said. Probably asking to sit with us, she got up and followed Ronnie Jug trailing after her.

"And of course you know Betty Archie and Kevin"  after (Y/N) put her tray down Betty practically ran up to hug (Y/N) before she sat down on the opposite side of the table with Jughead.

"Hi Betty nice to see you again" she said with a smile then smiled at Kevin and looked at me. Oh god what horror stories did Jughead tell her about me
"Hey Archie long time no see or even talk."

"Yeah I was busy this summer fixing houses with my dad."
"I herd" she then put her fork in her salad but to me it sounded like she slammed it.
(Y/N) may not look it but she was tough, her dad was a police officer and he was transferred for a little while that's why she moved. (Y/N) was forced to take self defence training as a kid by her father who said "you never know when you might need it."There are rumours of her getting into a couple fights defending Jughead probably.

"So (Y/N) when did you get back?" Kevin asked breaking the silence.
"Just last night we stopped by Pops on our way home and Jughead happened to be there"
"Is that why you came home late last night? You told me you were writing."

"I was, (Y/N) and me talked for maybe 5 minutes." he knows he's gonna get shit later.
"So (Y/N) did you hear about Jason Blossom?" Kevin asked changing the subject.

"Yeah Jughead emailed me one night I told him.."
"She said and I quote "of course when I leave something exiting happens." He burst out in laughter none joined shocked that Jughead actually laughed for once.

"Well I mean it's true nothing happens here sad that someone had to be killed of course."
"You got any suspects?" Kevin asked .
"Many each unlikely as the rest." (Y/N) replied.

"But what about you guys what's been going on? Archie I herd you've become a real Troy Bolton." (Y/N) said while taking a bite into her apple there were several chuckles from the table.
"Yeah I started playing music I can play you a few songs if you like" I said ignoring her Troy Bolton comment.
"Sounds great I'll swing by your place after school."
"I've got football practice but I'll text you when I'm home."
"Sounds great can't wait"she replied with a smile. The lunch bell rang and everyone got up and headed for their next classes
"Does anyone have Chem next?" (Y/N) asked looking down at her schedule she took out from her bag.
"I do" Betty spoke up.
"Oh thank god I'm not alone" she said relived the too spit off to Chemistry together. Veronica and Kevin left to their classes and I turned around expecting to see Jughead but I was alone where did he go?

Oh oblivious Archie

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