"No, no of course not your majesty. But is there not someone other than my Dimka that can protect her?"

"As I said Lady Ozera, as queen, PRINCESS Ivashkov deserves the best. And the best guardian pair in the world would have been Guardians Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway. But since she had to leave court, Dimitri is the best that there is, other than Rose. I have seen recordings of the two of them fighting, and they were magnificent together. Such a shame that they couldn't  stay together and fight together. It is terrible that he was lied to and given false information about who was responsible for his being restored into a dhampir. I imagine that if he knew that it was Rose that saved him, that he would be VERY VERY VERY appreciative towards her. But I digress, back to the reason that you are here, since you are suddenly feeling in the need of guardians I will assign you some. The head of your guardians will be Guardian Ethan Moore, and I will have Hans Croft assign you three more before the coronation. He has already assigned Princess Dragomir four guardians. She said that she didn't feel as safe with her one new guardian as she did with Guardian Belikov. Which I don't doubt, after Dimitri had time to heal mentally and emotionally from what happened to him. I would have both he and Rose assigned as two of my very own personal guardians, and of course as a pair. Anytime that you saw one of them the other would always be right by their side. And who knows, maybe something would have progressed between them and they would have become the perfect partners at work and in life. Maybe they could have even become the first married guardian pair in our history. So anyway, we assigned Princess Dragomir three more guardians to help protect her and we will do the same for you. That way, you just like Princess Dragomir, will feel safe enough to travel outside the wards for as long and as far as you would like." 

It took everything that I had in me not to bust out laughing at not only Aunt Tati and the way that she was 'playing matchmaker' for Dimitri and I. But also at the fact that she was doing her dead level best to twist that knife in Tasha's gut just a little bit harder and deeper. As well as the look on that suka Tasha's face. It was all just so yeblya hysterical that my sides hurt with trying to hold my laughter in. (bitch, fucking)

With tight lips, caused by her anger, jealousy and frustration Tasha spoke again. "Thank you, your majesty. But I do not wish to put a strain on our guardian numbers. If I could just get Guardian Belikov, I would feel safer than with all four of the other guardians put together."

"No, Lady Ozera. Guardian Belikov is quite happy where he is. And this lie about the two of you being involved, don't even bother Princess Dragomir tried the exact same excuse. And she was punished with one hundred and forty hours of volunteer work in the hospital a month, for the next six months. And for your lie, you will receive the same amount of time, only you will work in the guardian cafeteria, washing dishes and mopping floors. I don't like being lied to Tasha, and I will not ever have Dimitri Belikov assigned to anyone other than my niece. Your guardians will meet you at your apartment in the morning. But as I hear it, Guardian Ethan Moore already spends most nights at your apartment anyway. So, that should not be a big change for either one of you. Now, is there anything else that you would like to discuss with me?"

"No, your majesty." I could see that Tasha was severally pissed off, but oh well too bad for her.

"Good, then see yourself out."

"Yes, your majesty."

As Tasha walked out I heard Aunt Tati telling me, "you better hold on to that boy Rosemarie, he is in VERY high demand." Then she laughed.


I jumped up and started pacing around the room, I just could not believe they were both stupid enough to use that very same lie. Well, yeah, I actually could believe it, it just stunned me that they were both that fucking stupid. I guess Lissa didn't tell Tasha that she had already tried that lie.

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