Character X Reader Terms

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H/C stands for "Hair Color". Most commonly used in fictional stories about the reader meeting a character from a TV show or book with a large fan base.
Example sentence:
"You chuckled nervously, running your fingers through your (h/c) locks."

E/C stands for eye color. Most commonly used in fan-made fiction stories online about the reader meeting a character from the selected series.
Example sentence:
"They gazed into your (e/c) eyes as you stared back deeply into theirs."

Y/N is an abbreviation for "Your Name". This is commonly seen in an online fan-written fictional story where the reader meets or has a romantic encounter with a character from the fandom of choice.
Example sentence:
"Alex looked to you, smiling. 'Thank you, (Y/N).'"

F/C means "Favorite Color". Sometimes worded as "Y/F/C" for "Your favorite color". Commonly used to describe articles of clothing in readerxcharacter/characterxreader fanfictions that the reader is described as wearing.
Example sentence:
"You walked out, wearing a plain (F/C) t-shirt and a pair of jeans."

1. Noun
S/C, quite uncommonly used, but most frequently seen in fanfictions, stands for "skin color", depending upon the context it is used in.
2. Noun
S/C, still uncommonly used, can also stand for "shadow clone". Not seen very frequently in this manner, it is uncommon to see this in a fanfiction of any sort, and is used more in science fiction and horror stories. An S/C is a clone of a person, but is more or less like a copy of the person's spirit rather than just their physical appearance.
Example sentences:
1. "They smiled, grabbing your arm and holding up a (F/C) shirt. 'See? Totally compliments your (S/C) tone!'"
2. "She grumbled, noting that her friend had fallen asleep and sent an S/C to talk to her instead."

Okay, I know there are a lot more shortcuts like this, but, as I said, this chapter is just for the ones used in fanfictions where the reader is a character. See you guys in the next chapter! Stay curious, my loves!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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