After a good while of running, the two stopped. It was a small clearing where no corn was, only dirt. Keith dropped to his knees while Lance dropped on his butt. They both took deep breaths, making up for the amount of running they did. After a few desperate gasps, the two began to laugh breathily. The turned their gazes to each other, staring longingly into each other's eyes. Keith's eyes flickered as he got onto his hands and knees, crawling over to Lance and sitting before him.

"Lance", Keith spoke, crawling closer to Lance and sitting so Lance's Indian styled crossed legs were touching Keith's "I'm going to kiss you. So tell me otherwise if you want so."

Keith gave Lance a stern look. instead of objecting, lance got onto his knees and tenderly took Keith's pale face into his hands. Their skin tones contrasted in a beautiful way that made Lance's heart flutter. Keith gazed expectantly up at Lance, adjusting himself so he was sitting on his heels.He slowly began reaching up, and Lance down before their lips met halfway. 

Keith moved upwards, placing his hands on Lance's shoulders before sliding them upwards, up his neck to rest by his jaw. His thumb stroked Lance's jawbone as the two shared a kiss. Their lips moved in sync as Lance slid his hands down Keith's chest to rest by his waist, pulling their bodies together. They both now stood on their knees, Lance having to bend down slightly to meet Keith's lips. Their eyes were sealed shut, inhaling sharply every time they came apart for a fraction of a second before reconnecting their lips with each other. Keith's soft and plump lips felt amazing against Lance's slightly chapped and thin ones. Their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. Lance's hand's slowly made their way beneath the fabric of Keith's shirt. Lance's cold fingers brushed against the skin on his back, massaging Keith's warm skin. His fingertips caressed Keith's bare skin making Keith shiver from both delight and from the feeling of Lance's cold skin on his own. Yet despite the cold feeling of his fingers, it made Keith's skin burn. Keith's hands ran up to Lance's hair, entangling themselves in his soft brown locks. Finally the two broke apart, able to get actual breaths of air. 

"You know..." Lance began. "We haven't been spending a lot of time because we were too afraid that we would leave others out."

Keith nodded, kissing Lance's jaw and down his neck before stopping at his shoulder. He let his lips stay in their place on Lance's shoulder.

"But we were too busy thinking about them to actually think about us. The complete opposite as we were doing before." Lance sighed, kissing the side of Keith's hair, inhaling the scent of the shampoo he and Keith shared. Keith raised his head and chastely kissed Lance's lips. 

"Forget about that, just for now", Keith laced his and Lance's fingers together, "Focus on me. On us." 

Lance smiled, grasping Keith's hands and reconnecting their lips. He slowly began leaning Keith backwards. Keith eventually lay completely on his back, his hands over his head and his hips being straddled by Lance. Lance separated his and Keith's lips, kissing his chin and then his throat,his lips stopping between Keith's collar bone. He kissed the skin before running his tongue over it and began sucking softly on Keith's pale skin, knowing it would definitely leave a mark. Keith groan, letting go of Lance's hands and clutching his hair. Lance unlatched from Keith's skin, continuing to kiss his lips. By now Keith's lips were swollen and sweat coated their foreheads. But that didn't bother them, nor was it close to stopping them. 

Their lips connected again and again, stopping for a few split seconds for air before clashing together again. Keith's breaths became fast and ragged gasps. He took hold of Lance's bottom lip between his teeth, biting down softly on the skin and sucking on it. Lance growled, his hands running under Keith's shirt again, feeling his smooth skin under the palms of his hands. He caressed Keith's bare hips, massaging them as they continued to have a heated moment in the middle of a field. 

After what felt like years, Lance pulled away from Keith. He collapsed beside him, the two breathing heavily as they stared up at the cloudy sky. Every now and then they caught a glimpse of a few stars, their hands clasped together as they watch silently. The sky cleared and the whole sky was lit up by the flickering stars. Lance's eyes lit up when he saw a small shoot across the sky. It was gone as fast as it appeared, but the two boys both say it.

"Make a wish, Keith!" Lance whispered, not to disturb the peace.

"I don't need to wish for anything. I've got all I want right here."

Lance looked over to Keith, shifting closer to his and wrapping his arm around the smaller boy. Keith rested his head on Lance's shoulder, shutting his eyes. The night was quiet and peaceful, the only noise being the two boys' breath and the occasional cricket. 

"I love you." Lance confessed.

Keith's breath hitched, but was released with a content sigh.

"I love you too."

Check this hoe out stydiathepumkinx

Guess what?
I got a co-writer!!!
But they said they'd prefer their identity to be kept private and I respect that!!

So if y'all want smut or lemon at some point I can come to them for some help ;)

But don't worry, I'll still be writing the book.

I was tagged in some tag thingy, should I do it? It's only a small Halloween rage so I'll just have it at the end of the next chapter of you want it.

(Not proofread)

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