C- Okay come on. 

He helped me up off the couch and we went upstairs and layed in bed. 

Nae's POV

I just stood there trying not to make eye contact with him. But he just kept starring at me. 

Trey- You know where going to have to talk sometime.?

Me- Yeah....

Trey- Come over here. *Pats the seat beside him* 

I sat accross from him. 

Trey- Thats cool too. So how you been?

Me- Good. 

Trey- So you got kids huh?

Me- Yup...

It got quiet for a while. I couldnt take it no more. He had to know. 

Me- Okay i cant sit here and act like nothings wrong anymore. 

Trey- Okay?

Me- Look i gotta tell you something. 

Trey- Okay. 

Me- Remember when we hooked up and i told you i was pregnant?

Trey- *Looks hurt* Yeah then you killed it. 

Me- *Starts tearing up* You told me you wanted nothing to do with it. 

Trey- That dont mean you had to just get rid of it!

Me- Well you dont have to worry about it. 

Trey- Wait a second. *Thinks for a little bit* You mean you never had an abortion?

Me- No. 

Trey- So those two little girls up there are mines?

Me- *Nods* Yup. 

Trey- *Sits back and rubs his face* Wow.

Me- Look. You dont have to be in there lives if you dont want to. Im not forcing them on you. 

Trey- No. Imma be in there lives. I helped make em imma help taking care of them. I missed alot but i'll make up for it. 

Me- *Smiles* You mean that?

Trey- Yeah *Stands up and hugs me.* Now i have to do this. 

Me- What?

Trey- Will you be with me?

Me- Lets take things slow. 

Trey- Aight. Just tell me when your ready. 

Me- Well now we gotta figure out how to tell the girls. 

Moi's POV

Me and Craig were laying down in bed watching tv. Untill Craig turned it off. 

Me- Babe i was watchin that. 

C- Well too bad we dont get to spend together so we gon do it now. Plus i wanna talk to you about something. 

Me- Okay. 

C- Well *Starts rubbing my belly* Once baby girl gets here i wanna get a new house. 

Me- What?

C- I wanna move. Outta this area. 

Me- Whats wrong with it?

C- Its too close to where we used to live. And i wanna stay outta trouble. And i dont want Keshaun around it. Or the girls. 

Me- Well damn. How long have you been thinking about this?

C- I started thinkin about it a week ago. And i found a house. 

Me- Wow you really had time to plan this. 

C- Yeah watch. 

He reached over and grabbed his laptop and opened it. 

C- You ready?

Me- I guess.

He started showing me the house and it.was.beautiful. It was two story and had a pool in the back yard. A HUGE back yard. 

C- See and there's enough rooms everyone. And its a big enough back yard so i can the kids a dog.  

Me- You have really thought about this. 

C- Yeah. And i looked at the schools and they are really good. Even the high schools. Babe this would the peerfect start for the family. Start off fresh and new. 

Me- Well can we even afford it?

C- Well i apllied for another job and with both in comes we can afford it AND have money left over. 

Me- Well after i have the baby im going back to work. 

C- You dont have to tho babe. I can do it. 

Me- No im not gonna be one of those girls that sit on there ass all day while you work. 

C- Okay but can you at least promise me that you'll take it easy after the baby. 

Me- I will but promise me that once i start working you'll quit your second job. 

C- Okay. *Kisses me* I love you. 

Me- I love you. 

We sat there talking about the future. I couldnt beleive it. He was acctually changing. And for the better. I could tell things were going to be perfect when the baby gets here. It just makes me so happy to here him talking like that. Gosh I Love Him So Much. I Want To Be With Him Forever. <333

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