"This is all my fault" She whispered.


"I set them up" She looked up at me with sad eyes and I shook my head.

"This is no ones fault" I told her. Calum walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. I took that chance to go get some water for Liv. "Do you guys think you could stay in Michael and Ashton's room? I don't think Liv wants people to see her like she is" I told them and they nodded. I walked back into the bedroom and Liv was in a ball on the floor sobbing into her hands. I placed the water on the bedside table before sitting next to her.

"I am a fucking idiot" She whispered as her eyes squeezed shut and she hit her head repeatedly with her fist.

"No your not" I whispered to the girl I was still hopelessly in love with.

"I am though Luke. I am so stupid and I fuck everything up" she told me as she looked up at me.

"No you don't. You don't fuck everything up"

"I do. I mean it's my fault that we broke up and-"

"How was that your fault Liv? That was all me. Trust me"

"If I didn't take your phone then you wouldn't have said those things" She told me and I just shook my head.

"Liv, lets just go to sleep" I said and she nodded. I stood up and then helped her up. She stood in front of me in my boxers and my t-shirt and she could not look more perfect. As she stood there in my clothes I felt at home. I know that sounds weird but its true. When ever I was around Liv I felt at home. I felt like I was at home and everything was perfect. Like Liv was my girlfriend and we were both happy. But in actual fact it was completely the other way around.

Liv wasn't my girlfriend and we were both unhappy.

I took her hand in mine and led her to my bed. She laid down and I walked over to Calum's bed. Liv probably didn't want anyone near her right now.

"Luke, what are you doing?"

"I was going to sleep in Calum's bed"

"Oh" Was all she said. "Do you think you could sleep with me? I don't exactly feel like sleeping alone"

"Of course beautiful" I said as I laid down next to her. She turned around to face me and smiled ever so slightly. "Go to sleep"

"Can you sing for me?" She asked me quietly.

"What would you like me to sing?" I smiled at her.

"Beside you" She said and cuddled into my chest. I sung the song I wrote for her as her eyes closed. Before I even finished the song light snores were escaping her from her lips. I smiled before pressing my lips to her forehead.


I heard an ear pitching scram and I sat up straight. I looked at Olivia who was asleep but she was crying and screaming, it was a horrible sight.

"Olivia! Wake up!" I yelled as I tried to shake her shoulders but she wouldn't wake. I kept trying up she wouldn't stop.

"Olivia" I said as I cupped her tear streaked face in my hand. "I love you okay, I won't let anything hurt you. I am here for you and I just want you to be safe. I would do anything to keep you safe. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I wish I could call you mine again. I wish I could hug you and kiss you whenever I wanted. I wish I could make you laugh again. I wish I could kiss away your scars and bad memories. I just wish I was beside you again" I rambled but her crying and screaming stopped.

"Come on baby, wake up" I whispered in her ear as I shook her shoulder lightly. After a moment she woke up. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she just wrapped her arms around me. I buried my face into her long hair as she nuzzled into my neck. "You are okay now" I whispered.

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