Lauren shrugged and stood up, “Beats me. Ally needed me there today so that means you have to come along too.”

She took her now empty cup and threw it in the bin.

“Okay, just give me a second to change and get ready.” Camila hurriedly ate the rest of her ramen and watched as Lauren walked out the kitchen.

“Just be out here in 5 minutes.” Lauren stifled a yawn on the way out.

When they got to the station, Lauren almost immediately left Camila with Ally whilst she went off to do whatever it was that she had to do.

“I’m glad you survived your first night with Lolo, Mila.”


“It’s a world record already.” Ally grinned as she guided Camila into a conference room – larger than the one they were in yesterday.

“What are we doing today, Ally?” Camila asked the younger as she seated herself at the large rectangular table.

“I thought we could take this chance to introduce you to some of our officers who could potentially be your next supervisor.”

“Are they cold and scary like Lauren too?” Camila asked worriedly, she could not deal with any more of those types of people. Living with one was enough, even if it was only for a week.

Ally laughed, “No, that’s just Lauren. Everyone else is quite the opposite.”

“Can’t I just live with you? You’re so much friendlier and you sure care a whole lot more than her.”

“I wish you could, but my apartment is tiny and cluttered – barely enough room for even one person.” Ally sighed, “I’m looking for a new one though.”

At that moment, the door opened and in stepped two tall women in uniform.

“You called for us, Ally?” The black haired woman said, sitting herself down onto one of the chairs.

“Right.” Ally stood up to greet the two, “Normani, Dinah meet Camila Cabello, our priority for the next few months or so.” She then turned to Camila.

“Hi.” Camila waved meekly, slightly intimidated by the seriousness of their faces.

“So you’re Camila.” The woman sitting down said before smiling warmly, “Nice to meet you, I’m Sergeant Normani Hamilton but you can just call me Mani."

“And I’m Sergeant Dinah Jane Hansen.” The other woman grinned, a hand reaching out to shake Camila’s.

"Nice to meet you.” Camila instantly felt relieved that the two women had smiled at her and wasn’t as serious and intimidating as she had first thought.

“Mani and Dinah are seniors in our division.” Ally explained, “They work in the field alongside Lauren but mostly supervise squads of officers on various assignments-“

“Basically, we get to boss the juniors around and get them to run around the place to follow our orders.” Dinah concluded.

“Like getting you food and coffee?” Normani snorted.

“Hey, I have power so I might as well put it to some use.” Dinah shrugged, earning a giggle from Camila.

“Having power doesn’t mean you should abuse it.”

“We had to do it when we were trainees!”

“You always managed to wiggle your way out of those tasks!”

“It’s not my fault; I’m just good with people.” Dinah grinned, “It’s why I was promoted to Sergeant before you.”

“That’s only because you sucked up to our superiors whilst I was working my butt off.”

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