The Kiss

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I blinked myself awake, looking into the bright white lights above me. I groaned in the process.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I heard Stiles' voice echo.

I turned my head to face him, he was sitting on a chair next to me.

"Fine. Where's Dad?" I asked, sitting up with the help of Stiles and leaned back on the pillows.

I looked around the room, "I'm in the hospital?" Stiles nodded.

"Dad left to work, he was here all night."

"I was here all night? What for?"

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Stiles asked, worriedly. I slowly shook my head.

"Theo and Malia brought you to me. You were out cold and sweating, really pale."

"I'm fine, I guess I just have a cold."

The door opened and in walked Scott, Kira, Liam, Theo and Malia.

"A cold doesn't land you in the hospital." Scott answered for Stiles, obviously he was overhearing  the conversation.

Melissa walked in and walked over to me, "How're you feeling?"

I shrugged, "Fine, I guess."

"Are you sure? Positive?" She asked worriedly.
I nodded.

"Why did she faint?"

"Why was she pale and sweating?" Theo and Malia asked. Theo had his arms crossed, showing off his muscles.

"We took some of her blood for blood work, we just received the answers." Melissa answered,

"Is she okay?" Stiles asked, standing up from the chair.

Melissa sighed, "There were traces of poison in her blood system."

I looked at everyone's shocked faces, how did I get poison into my bloodstream?

Scott stepped forward, "Jaylen, do you have any idea how this could've happened?"

I tried to remember the past days to the best of my ability. There were some memories that were groggy, but I remembered one memory that could've put me in the hospital,

I nodded, "That day at the station, when I was in the cell with Donovan. The masked people pinned me up against the wall and stuck a needle in me." Theo's arms dropped and his face changed from concern to anger.

He left the room without saying a word, "Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked me.

"She was probably in shock, remember how I was when you found me?" Malia asked Stiles, he didn't answer her and  instead he grabbed Scott and Liam, dragging them out of the room.

"Did you take out the poison?" I asked Melissa.

"We took out as much as possible without taking too much of your blood. But I'm 100% sure you still have poison in you."

"See, this is why I like you.." I began, "You always say the truth, even if it's not what we want to hear." I smiled up at her, she looked at me and smiled.

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