Chapter 39-/-Ryan's P.O.V

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I woke up to the sound of rain pouring onto the wooden roof. Halley is still asleep, so I try to be quiet so I don't wake her up. She's so peaceful sleeping near the fire. I go to my bedroom and remove my shirt and replace it with another, and throw on my red nike sweater. I walk into the kitchen and look for useful supplies. I needed up finding a few cans of beans, fruit cups, pudding, water bottles, Gatorade, juice boxes, and several bags of marshmallows. I mean, they won't be that helpful, but then we can roast marshmallows, you know, for fun. I head to the bathroom and run my hands under the sink. I feel the cold water splash onto my face and wipe it up with a clean towel from the closet. I walk out to the front hall and look out the tiny window beside the door. I see two figures running towards the cabin yelling something. I can't understand. Then I piece it together. "HELP!!!" I see a heard of 60+ Spreaders walking fast a few feet behind them. Crap. I gotta get Halley up and we need to go. Now.
We gather up the rest of our things and head out the door. "Ryan look! It's Ewan and Shawn! We need to help them!" She says. I sigh. We could save ourselves by running and not waiting. But, Shawn is my friend, I can't just leave him behind. Along with Ewan who's pretty cool. "Okay. But as soon as they get here we run the same direction they were headed." I agreed. They finally reach us as we all run farther away from the Spreaders. "I can't believe you guys were there!" Shawn told me grasping for air. Ewan is behind by a tiny bit but then regains speed and catches up. "So, what were you guys doing there?" Ewan questions. "We we're trying to live normally for a few days, but that clearly won't be happening." She complains. She is so cute when she's mad. What am I saying ? I can't imagine trying to have a relationship during the apocalypse. Like, we'll be living together as a group, so if we break up, it will be awkward. But she is an amazing person who makes my day worth surviving. She is tough but still has a sweet side, she is kind but aggressive(which isn't bad either), and she is beautiful. Focus Ryan! You are running away from zombies, yet you're thinking about a girl. A girl who is amazing and I can't help but to think about her. "Ryan! Let's go! You're slowing down!" Shawn slaps me on the back. "Huh?" I snap out of my daze and I'm back into reality. "Guys there's a canoe up ahead and some oars. We should head out into the lake." Halley yells across the roaring of the Spreaders. We all hop into the canoe and start to paddle. I almost tipped it by pushing us off the tiny beach of sand. We paddle as fast as we can. They caught up to us but couldn't swim. Many drowned or went back to shore, as we continued out to the never ending lake. Now what?

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