Chapter 4

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I look around the room that I'm standing in. "Hey, it will be okay. We will find him." Ewan and Halley tell me. We all split into pairs of two. Me and Halley, Emad and Ewan, Tai and the rest. We look everywhere. We can't find him. I start to cry again. "Cameron! Cameron!?" I yell as loud as I can. I then walk to my parents room and see something under there flipped over bed. It's my brother. I don't know if he is alive. I walk over to him pushing all the scraps and leftover debris. "Help! Wait, Bry is that you?" He asked me. "Cameron! Your alive! Yes it's me!" I whisper with joy and relief. Halley and I pulled him out from under the bed and made sure he had no injuries. "No broken bones?" He asked. "Do you feel any pain?" "No, just have a headache and am sore." He answered. "You only have a few bruises..... I'm so glad your okay." I told him. "Who survived that tornado?" He questioned. "Me, Halley, Emad, Ewan, Tai, Liv, Liam, Denis, and June. Grandma isn't here. And I don't think she ever will be." I replied. "What's going to happen to us?" A tear ran down his face. "I don't know." I had a shiver crawl up my spine. Was this only the beginning?

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