Chapter 2

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The emergency lights came on. Everyone rushed to the window to see what was happening, the tornado was 2km's away, everyone was so scared they stared at it as Halley, me, tai, Emad and Ewan ran to the basement. We felt the wind rush in "Halley you forgot to close the door!" Ewan and Emad yelled. "Sorry...." Halley said sounding upset. Halley walked up the stairs to close to door but the wind was to strong, Halley fell down the stairs " oh no....!" Me, Emad, tai and Ewan said "she's out cold " I said. As the group surrounded Halley they found out that she had head injuries, she was bleeding.... " Guys find some bandages! And quick!" I yelled. Tai and Emad rushed through the first aid kit in the basement. "Found it!" Emad yelled. The wind was even stronger. "It's going to be fine guys. We're going to wrap Halley up and then hide under the stairs until it's over" I said. "Or until we're dead!" Ewan replied. "Real mature Ewan!" Halley groaned in pain. We all ran to the stairs and hid under it. I can't believe I'm thinking this but our lives may stand no chance to this tornado. We all closed our eyes and then all you can hear is the whistles of the wind and the crashes of the walls falling. Then all went dark.
Everything was still, we went to check what was going on up there, everything was gone, our friends bodies were found laying on the ground, we were definitely in trouble. Me, Tai, and Ewan went up to investigate the rest of the school. While Emad and Halley stayed behind. Me, tai and Ewan all walked to the principles office,well not anymore..  I ran to my classroom. "Help!" 7 people yelled in pain. We helped them back to the basement. Liv  , Sydney, Brooke, Hakim, June, Denis, and Liam C. We reached he basement passing many dead bodies and destruction. "We all should go home and see if anyone or anything survived. We need as much supplies that we can get." Halley said. Everyone nodded their heads. First we stopped at Ewan's house. His mom and sister weren't home. Then we reached Halley's house. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Halley screamed.

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