Chapter 9-/-Thinking it through

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"Are you saying I killed my best friend?" I asked. "No not at all. I'm saying maybe...." Dylan starts. "Guys everyone over here! Now!" Halley yells. Me and Dylan run over towards everyone. "Yo everyone shut up!" Juliana yelled harshly. "Sydney is dead" Emad says. "Let me check her pulse to make sure she's actually dead." Caroline states. She shakes her head (no) and closes Sydneys eyes. She has blood spilled out of her mouth. How is this even possible? Last night she was completely fine, and now she's laying on the ground dead! "Someone help me take Sydney's body down to the river. Now!" Juliana yells rudely. Halley grabs Sydney's feet and Juliana took her shoulders. Emad, me, Caroline, and Denis follow them down the hill to a nearby river. They gently set her body into the rushing stream, and she floated away. We all took a moment of silence as the others walk down the hill to join us. I was friends with her at one point, and somehow felt sad inside. How did this happen to her? "Look everyone, the show's over. Get back to the camp and start packing! We're leaving in twenty!" June ordered. "Since when are you the boss around here?!" Halley speaks back. Juliana gave her the death stare and Halley headed up the hill. "I don't think this is a smart idea Juliana. We should try to figure out how this even happened to her." Caroline stated. "Just go pack. Nobody cares about your opinion." She fired back. "Guys, we have to go soon. So stop fighting like stupid people, and get packing!" Liam interrupts. As me, Halley, and Caroline pack our things, I pull them aside to chat privately. "Why has she somehow become the boss around here?" I ask. "I don't know. All I know is that she is a bossy snob, who has no right to control what we do or say!" Halley says madly. Suddenly, there is a rustling noise in the nearby bush. We all glance over but then the noise goes away. What did happen to Sydney, and will it happen to others?

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