chapter ten

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"Hi, I'm Jonah, you must be Jakeen." He says.
"Where's Hailey, I need to talk to her." Jakeen says back. I convinced Daniel to let me back out, I take him with me. "Oh your still here." I say to him, walking down the steps on the bus. I walk past him, holding Daniels hand. Walking Jonah, Yaz and Daniel inside and closing the door before looking at him.
"What?" I say not impressed.
"Look, I just wanted to say sorry, I know you saw the texts I sent and that you are pissed but I'm your bestfrie-" Daniel cuts him off opening the door. "Hey your mom wants you to be inside with us." He says, I walk in not looking behind me or saying anything to Jakeen. I hear Daniel say, "She didn't read those texts, I did, to her." I pull him inside closing the door. 

We walk to the Kitchen, I see my mom leaning on the counter. 
"Okay, we're gonna to back to the boys house in about an hour, so do what ever you want just we back her by." She says looking down to her iWatch. "10:00am." She continues. We walk off, and moms calls Daniel and I, I turn around and she signals us to come back to her. 
"Now no one has told me nothing, but I've seen you two, and now your closer then ever. So whatever is happening, I hope it doesn't effect work, remember you work together. Now Daniel let me talk to my daughter for a second." She says. Daniel begins walking off and I hear him going upstairs. 

"Now tell me, whats going on between you guys." She asks.
"Mooooom, really, do you have to know everything?" 
"Yes, now tell me before I find a new photographer and you spend the next 3 months in Toronto with your Nan." She says.
"Okay, can I date Daniel?" I ask.
"Yes, and I know you are because I could hear Yazmine and Jack talking about it this morning. Yay you have a nice boy." She says hugging me.
"Okay, can I go now?" I ask. "Sure" She says and I walk away. "Keep the door open." She screams as I go upstairs.

"Hailey." Mom calls me from downstairs, I look at my phone. It says 9:47am, Daniel and I walk downstairs seeing the front door open. I look outside, shocked my the man standing in military uniform in the middle of my front yard. I sprint over to him, jumping on him and embracing him for as long as possible, tears stream down my face when I realise this was actually happening. 

He places me back on the ground, his height towering over me, I look over to my mom and she's recording it, of course she is. I look back up at him, hugging him again. I finally let go of him. 
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"I came to surprise you." He replies. Daniel starts to walk over to Yaz, and the rest of the boys. Mom puts her phone down, "Are you gonna introduce the boys to your brother?" Mom asks me. "Oh, yes. This is Jack, Zach, Corbyn, Jonah and thats Daniel." I name them in the order they were standing. "Boys this is my older brother Hayden." I says. They all nod and say their hellos. 

"Hows Harley?" I ask him. 
"He's still at the base, but he told me to tell you he missed you." We walk back inside, Hayden and I talk for ages, until he gets to a certain question. "Hows your boyfriend? oh wait you don't have one." He says jokingly. "Well..." I reply back, he instantly sits up. "No you don't, are you playing me?" He says, I laugh. "Your 23 stop talking like a teenager." 
"Who is it? Jakeen? I knew it, it's Jakeen." He says. 
"It's not Jakeen." I answer him.
"Do I know them?" He asks.
"You do now." Daniel says walking over, sitting on the couch opposite us.
"You?" Hayden asks.
"Yes, this is Daniel Seavey." I say sitting next to him.
'How long has this been going on?" Hayden questions.
"About a month." Daniels says.
"It's been official for..." I look down at my phone, seeing the time, 3:48pm. "nearly 15hrs." I continue. Hayden looks at the clock on the wall next to him.
"You make it official at like 1:00 in the morining." He laughs a little. "Did she even awake when you asked her, becuase last time I was home she'd be asleep by 10pm."  He and Daniel laugh. 

Seeing my brother and boyfriend getting along brings me joy, they start having their own conversation, I'm starting to feel like a third wheel. I get up walking over to Yaz and Jack, I walk around the to theater room on the other side of the house, where they told me they'd be. I slowly open the door, hearing the movie on from end of the hallway. Stepping into the theater I look to where the seats are, I instantly spot Yaz and Jack, making out. I slowly walk out, closing the door as quietly as possible.

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