chapter thirty-two

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"Please let me come with you." I say begging Daniel to let me come on tour with the band. 
"Look what happend last time." He says rubbing his thumb other the scar at the top of my forehead.
"I NEED HELP I CAN'T DO IT BY MYSELF." August screams from the lounge room. I throw to arm up to where the lounge room is.
"See he needs my help." I say sitting up on the kitchen bench.
"No, I'm worried you're gonna get hurt again." He says taking a step towards me, placing his hands on the bench next to my legs.
"That was one time." I whine. "Nothing happend to Yaz and shes dating Jack." I say putting my arms around his neck.
"What did your mom say?" He says giving up.
"She said yes!" I say wrapping my legs around his torso, pulling him in. He grabs my waist pulling ME forward. He kisses me, then lifts me up running.

He stops putting me down.
"I'm gonna take you on a date." He says proudly.
"In-N-Out." I say jumping up and down. 
"GO TO CHIPOTLE AND BRING ME BACK A BARITO." Jonah says screaming from the lounge room.
"NO." Daniel and I scream back. My phone starts to ring, I pull it out from my back pocket.


Hailey: Hellooooo
Mom: Hey, where are you?
Hailey: The boys house, why?
Mom: We need to go back to Ohio
Hailey: What, why?
Mom: Nonna's not doing so well. Hailey we're gonna have to say goodbye.

I crouch down, holding back my tears while I'm on the phone.

Hailey: Ummm, yeah, okay. I'll be there in 10
I say hanging up. I drop my phone, letting my head fall into my hands. I sob quietly before Daniel sees me. I hear his shoes squeak on the ground, he falls down with me. When I feel his arms wrap around me I drop, being held up by his chest. I just sit there for a minute, until I run out of tears. I stop calming down a little.

"What happend?" Daniel asks, running his finger through my hair.
"My Nonna's dying." I say, letting my Italian accent come through. "I have to go back to Ohio." I say getting up.
"I'm coming with you." He says jumping up, pulling me up stairs to his room. 
"You don't have to." I say sitting on his bed as he pulls out cloths and throws them into a bag.
"No I'm coming." He says defensively.
"Thank you." I say putting my head down. He walks into the bathroom grabbing what he needs. My phone dings.

Mom: Hey, were are you the next flight leaves in an hour, we're buying tickets there.
Hailey: Sorry I'm leaving soon Daniel wants to come
Mom: What ever just meet us at the airport

Daniel zips up the bag after throwing in his chargers and laptop.
"Come on lets go." He says pulling me off his bed.


The airport wasn't as busy then I though it would've been. I see Mom, Hayden and Harley, pulling Daniel with one hand my suit case with another. 
"Hey." Mom says pulling me in for a hug.
"Thanks for coming, she'll need you" Mom whispers in Daniel's ear as she hugs him.

We wait in the short line to buy tickets there.
"5 to Cleveland please." Mom says to the girl sitting behind the desk. Mom takes my bag and I lean on the nearest person to me, Daniel. He kisses my head and wraps his hands around my torso. Right there I hear a scream, everyone looks over to the two girls walking quickly towards us. I instantly knew why.

"Are you Daniel Seavey?" One of the girls ask. Daniel takes off his black hat cover by his hoodie.
"That would we me." He says trying to stay happy.
"Where are the rest of the boy?" The other girl asks.
"It's just him today ladies." Harley says almost laughing, along with Hayden. I hit them and they shut up.
"Where are you going." The first girls asks.
"Sorry girls but this is a personal trip." Mom says turning around, probably having to explain what was happening. 
"Oh, can we a photo." One of the girls ask.
"Yeah sure." Danny says.

One of the girls pull out her phone.
"Can you take the picture." She asks me. I take her phone and snap the low quality, horribly lit photo. 
"Thank you." They both say at the same time before running off.
"Sorry guys." He says before I fall back onto him.

"Jeeze it's almost 2am." Harley says pulling out his phone.
"I thought you said the flight was 4 hrs ago." I asks Mom.
"I did, but I couldn't get onto it, we'll be board soon anyway."
"God I had red eyes." I say, laughing as I remember the taking you lyric. I sit next to Daniel, he's on his phone.
"Whatcha doing?" I say resting my head on his shoulder.
"Messaging the boys they wanna know what going on." He says, a ding come from his unsilenced phone. "And how you are." He says wrapping one arm around me. I pull out my phone to see the group chat going crazy.

(A/N: warning the next chapter will be a just text message chapter)

Why Don't We Tour // Daniel SeaveyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora